Jon Husted To Pal Around With King Of Ohio Voter Suppression

image of voting suppressor in training Jon Husted
voting suppressor in training Jon Husted

The blog Plunderbund is reporting that Ohio Secretary of State (SOS) Jon Husted is going to attend a tea party “voter protection” event with former Secretary of State and still RWNJ Ken Blackwell. Don’t remember Blackwell? He was responsible for voter suppression efforts while Secretary of State during the 2004 Ohio voting debacle. His work pissed off so many people that a state referendum was tried in 2005 to take voting oversight away from the SOS. I guess we know how Husted really feels about voting rights.

Secretary of State and steward of Ohio elections Jon Husted is set to appear at a “True the Vote Summit” with none other than J. Kenneth Blackwell, probably the most polarizing figure in Ohio election history. You will remember Ken Blackwell as the person who tried to get voter registrations nixed if they were on the wrong paper weight. That was the least of it. Blackwell also intentionally kept the right number of voting machines out of democrat heavy districts, which resulted in some of the longest lines we’ve ever seen in Ohio elections. This action disenfranchised many black voters and caused one of many lawsuits related to elections to be brought against him. In all, Blackwell was involved in over a dozen election related lawsuits.

Jon Husted to Appear at “Voter Protection” Summit with Ken Blackwell

This appearance, if it happens, would be like having someone elected to protect our rights attending an event put on by a group that wants to take them away… oh wait….