Jon Husted Made It Easier For Military To Vote But Obstructs African-Americans

photo of Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted aired his first campaign ad this week. The ad hypes a program that treats members of the military better than average Ohio citizens by bending over backwards so they can vote. The program is one reason Husted keeps loosing in Federal court as he keeps trying to obstruct voting for non-military Ohioans and especially African-Americans.

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Ohio Secretary Of State Jon Husted To Appeal Early Voting Ruling To US Supreme Court

image of Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted

On Friday, 10/5, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that if early voting in Ohio is open the last 3 days for the military then it must also be open for all voters and there was much rejoicing. Then Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted had to be a kill joy on Tuesday when he announced he would be appealing the ruling to the US Supreme Court.

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My Vote Is Open For The Highest Bid

created image showing a ballot with words For Sale on it

We all know that the US Supreme Court ruled in the Citizens United case that for the purpose of elections, corporations are people. That means laws that try to limit the amount of money a corporation spends to influence elections are unconstitutional. This has led to billions of dollars flooding into local, state, and national elections. With that in mind I want my share. Early voting has begun in my state and so my vote is for sale. I want a slice of the loot.

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Jon Husted To Pal Around With King Of Ohio Voter Suppression

image of voting suppressor in training Jon Husted
voting suppressor in training Jon Husted

The blog Plunderbund is reporting that Ohio Secretary of State (SOS) Jon Husted is going to attend a tea party “voter protection” event with former Secretary of State and still RWNJ Ken Blackwell. Don’t remember Blackwell? He was responsible for voter suppression efforts while Secretary of State during the 2004 Ohio voting debacle. His work pissed off so many people that a state referendum was tried in 2005 to take voting oversight away from the SOS. I guess we know how Husted really feels about voting rights.

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Do Republicans Have A Drinking Problem?

image of Truthful GOP logo

I wonder if the recent shocking statements by Rep. Todd Akin, the Republican nominee for Senate in Missouri and locally Doug Preisse, chairman of the Republican Party in Franklin County, where I live might mean that Republicans have a problem with alcohol. People who have a drinking problem tend to have no inhibition and will say what is really on their mind even if a sober person would check up because they know it would sound crazy to say that stuff out loud. It makes me wonder.

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