Huffman Falsely Believes People On Medicaid Are Faking It

Senator Matt Huffman

Ohio State Senator Matt Huffman is a cheap labor conservative. Like other cheap labor conservatives, he believes people using public assistance should instead be working. Huffman has introduced a bill that would require able bodied people on Medicaid from 18 to 65 to work 20 hours a week or lose benefits. His plan would not do what he thinks it will and would be a huge gift for employers who like cheap labor.

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Ohio Democrats Need To Start Over

logo of Ohio Democratic Party

All of the state office jobs were open in this election on November 6th. Some Republicans currently in office were changing offices and the Democrats seemed to work hard in their campaigns. But in the end the GOP retained all the top offices in Ohio. If you can’t even win one state office with such a toxic person like Trump as President and a GOP who are just lap dogs to the guy not to mention corrupt in the Ohio Statehouse, then Democrats need to nuke their place and start over from scratch.

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If Toledo Suburbs Can Find A Better Water Deal They Should Take It

image of a logo used on the city of Toledo website

The city of Toledo sells water to all of the suburbs except Oregon. There has been talk about forming a regional water authority so that the suburbs have more of say in setting rates and how the system works. The suburbs don’t really want there to be equal rates they just want to “own” the system to protect their profit margins.

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Republican David Yost Grandstands And Uses Food Stamps To Raise Campaign Money

screenshot of Ohio Auditor of State David Yost giving testimony to US House Committee on Agriculture concerning Food Stamps
Ohio Auditor of State David Yost giving testimony to US House Committee on Agriculture concerning Food Stamps

The Ohio Auditor of State David Yost participated in a hearing of the US House Agriculture Committee on July 6th. As I wrote in a previous post, Yost presented his ‘evidence’ of ‘fraud’ from an audit his office conducted on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (aka Food Stamps) in Ohio. It was obvious Yost missed the real issue with the ‘fraud’ he found and he then used his appearance in DC to raise money for a future higher office campaign.

For his testimony at the House Committee on Agriculture hearing, which was titled: “Past, Present, and Future of SNAP: Understanding Error Rates and Fraud“, David Yost wrote:

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Stop Scapegoating The Poor Please!

imagine of different amounts of food stamp coupons

Once again a politician, setting themselves up for higher office, goes to the ‘kick a poor person’ playbook to build some conservative cred. Ohio Auditor Dave Yost, who likes to kick things conservatives like to kick – public education, for example, – is now setting his sights on the low hanging fruit of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – better known as food stamps. Yost has a funny idea of fraud that fails to match reality.

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