Ohio Secretary Of State Jon Husted Hopes You Have Brain Damage

head shot of Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted decided to support recent GOP talking points to justify suppressing the vote. In a letter sent to President Obama, Husted claims the President’s executive action to protect millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation will lead to voter fraud. Too bad Husted’s previous comments and actions contradict his letter. I guess he hopes we all have brain damage and won’t remember what he said before.

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Lack Of Pre-Paid Postage On Absentee Ballot Is A De Facto Poll Tax

image of No Poll Tax Here button

I got my absentee ballot this week for the coming general election in November. Checking out the document and filling it out reminded me of a point about the process I wanted to make. Although it’s great people in Ohio can vote absentee without a reason, the powers that be – namely the Republicans – don’t like absentee voting and put obstacles in the way. One obstacle – postage – can be seen as a de facto poll tax and is unfair to poor people.

Here is an image of my ballot return envelope:

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Jon Husted Made It Easier For Military To Vote But Obstructs African-Americans

photo of Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted

Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted aired his first campaign ad this week. The ad hypes a program that treats members of the military better than average Ohio citizens by bending over backwards so they can vote. The program is one reason Husted keeps loosing in Federal court as he keeps trying to obstruct voting for non-military Ohioans and especially African-Americans.

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Ohio SOS Jon Husted Admits Photo IDs Don’t Prevent Voter Fraud

image of Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted (R)

In a press conference Thursday morning, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted gave the results of a request he made to all 88 Ohio counties to investigate allegations of voter fraud and suppression at the polls during the 2012 Presidential election. 625 voting irregularities were found and of those 115 were referred to prosecutors and a vast majority of those weren’t prosecuted further. While he said there was not one single case of suppression, he admitted that requiring Photo-IDs didn’t prevent the irregularities.

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Jon Husted Obsesses About Election Uniformity Except For The Upcoming Primary

official image of Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted

Leading up to the 2012 General Election, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted blathered on about how there must be election uniformity. For the Republican that meant doing his part to suppress votes for Democrats. Eventually the federal courts forced him, kicking and screaming, to stop being such a dick. This year the primary election is Tuesday May 7th. So has Husted turned over a new leaf? The Ohio political blog Plunderbund says not so much.

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