On Friday, 10/5, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that if early voting in Ohio is open the last 3 days for the military then it must also be open for all voters and there was much rejoicing. Then Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted had to be a kill joy on Tuesday when he announced he would be appealing the ruling to the US Supreme Court.
There have been recent stories of voter registration purges in Texas and Florida. A story appearing in the pro-Kasich newspaper The Columbus Dispatch may suggest that an attempt will be made in Ohio to purge voter rolls. Anyone who cares about their Constitutional rights should be very wary to hear that Ohio wants to remove valid voter registrations from the rolls.
The blog Plunderbund is reporting that Ohio Secretary of State (SOS) Jon Husted is going to attend a tea party “voter protection” event with former Secretary of State and still RWNJ Ken Blackwell. Don’t remember Blackwell? He was responsible for voter suppression efforts while Secretary of State during the 2004 Ohio voting debacle. His work pissed off so many people that a state referendum was tried in 2005 to take voting oversight away from the SOS. I guess we know how Husted really feels about voting rights.
This past Friday website ThinkProgress posted an article that noted that some Ohio counties had set different hours where one could vote during the state’s early voting period. The curious thing is that counties that are heavily Democratic will have shorter hours than Republican counties. When Democrats and the ACLU complained, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted refused to intervene to fix it but he did intervene to set up the inequality. Why doesn’t Jon Husted want equal access to early voting?
Jon Husted is running for Ohio’s Secretary of State office. In the first TV commercial I’ve seen, he hits the usual conservative talking points even if he has to use strawmen to do it.
Husted is currently a State Senator for the 6th District.
First of all Husted didn’t “stand up to liberal ACORN to prevent election fraud” since there was no proof or charges of fraud perpetrated by ACORN in Ohio in any election.
Rights are not given to us by God. They are written into the US Constitution.
I am still not sure what “immoral government debt” I need to be worried about or it will hurt my children.
It is obvious that Husted is not a fan of the separation of church and state – see the example about the prayer in the state house – but he also supported exemption for priests involved in pedophilia back in 2007 under Senate Bill 17.
This is just the beginning and it already seems Husted is wrong for the job.