GOP Scoring Points By Throwing Their Own Under The Bus

Offical government photo of Chuck Hagel
Future Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel

Former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel was nominated by President Obama to be the next Secretary of Defense. His confirmation hearing lasted almost nine hours and during that time the Republicans on the Senate Armed Services Committee decided to throw Hagel under the bus to score points on national security and Israel. Since they won’t block his confirmation this is the only way the GOP can thump their chest and act all indignant outside the usual reasons.

Here’s an example:

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More BS From The Gun Lobby

created image of a pistol on top of peanuts
Some Gun Nuts?

On Wednesday President Obama announced some initial plans to address the uptick in mass killings due to the ease of obtaining military style guns with high capacity ammunition clips. Of course the gun lobby lost their minds about it because they falsely believe that any regulation is equal to banning guns. The truth is, reasonable regulation will lower the chance of more Newtown type mass killings. Many of the screeching arguments used by the gun lobby are weak and don’t hold up to logic and reason.

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The Fiscal Cliff Is Entirely Man-Made – Not Inevitable

image of Speaker John Boehner after learning President Obama was re-elected
Speaker John Boehner after learning President Obama was re-elected

The day after the election House Speaker John Boehner said he and the other Republicans would work with the President as long as he gave the GOP everything it wanted rather than the GOP compromising with the President. The general conversation in the belt-way media was about the ‘fiscal cliff’. The so-called cliff was created when the Republicans refused to co-operate with the Democrats and basically kicked the can down the road until after the election. The results of the election was clear. Any resolution to the ‘cliff’ will have to be based on the President’s plan, NOT the GOP’s plan.

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2012 US Election Is Over: Majority Rejects Bigotry

image of President Obama & Family @ Victory party 2012
President Obama & Family @ Victory party 2012

The 2012 US Presidential election is now over, pending the final results, and one thing was clear to me. A majority of voters rejected the GOP campaign of dishonesty, hate, and bigotry paid for by entitled billionaires. President Obama was re-elected, gay marriage rights secured in a couple of states, pot legalized in one state, and a number of women were elected for the first time to the US Senate and a couple of rape apologists were defeated. I was very nervous at the start of the day but am relieved that this country didn’t fall over a cliff to the dark side.

The best news is President Obama was re-elected. Nate Silver’s Fivethirtyeight Blog was dead on for the results. Once again the GOP lost by dismissing science.

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