Now All That Is Left Is The Voting

image of I voted sticker Ohio 2012

Whew! It’s the day before election day and I didn’t think it would come soon enough. It has been going on in some form or another for more than a year. There will be some last minute campaigning and a final deluge of TV ads then those who haven’t voted early will vote tomorrow. Even though I think our version of democracy is the best in the world, I still had issues with the whole process. As good as our system is, it isn’t perfect and it makes me nervous. Here are the major issues I had this cycle.

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Did Mitt Romney Write His Columbus Dispatch Endorsement?

image of The Columbus Dispatch sign downtown

Wow! The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch hit all the GOP talking points in their recent editorial endorsing Mitt Romney for President. What kind of shocked me was the inclusion the subtly racist one that says ‘We gave the guy a chance so it is okay to vote him out of office’ that comes from the ad the Republican National Committee is running on the local Dispatch owned TV station now. I wonder if the Romney campaign and/or the RNC wrote the editorial because rational people know all the talking points have been rebutted multiple times.

The editorial starts out as you would expect from a Republican biased owner and publisher:

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It’s As If Paul Ryan Says Obama Is At War With Horse Drawn Buggies

created clipart of a horse drawn buggy with coal text written on it

Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan visited Belmont county, in Ohio, Saturday to claim that President Obama has a war on Coal. It is part of the Romney-Ryan plan to drill for more oil, keep the huge handouts to Big Oil, reduce pollution regulations, and stop government assistance to green energy. Of course this also means telling Coal miners that their jobs are in danger even though no matter who is the President their jobs are in danger. If we were at the beginning of the 20th century, Paul Ryan would be complaining about President Obama having a war on horse drawn buggies. Coal is a dying source for energy much like buggies gave way to the better technology of the automobile.

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Failure Of Green Energy Companies Doesn’t Mean We Don’t Need Green Energy

image of President Obama visits a wind turbine factory
President Obama visits a wind turbine factory

A couple of my conservative friends post on Facebook with glee every time a green energy company that received government loans fails or if the Chevy Volt has problems. They are against spending any tax payer money on research or production of technology that will free us from a dying petroleum based energy system. They are missing the point. The failure of specific companies doesn’t mean the technology is faulty. Government support for innovation of technology is actually a common practice and is one reason we enjoy some of the things we have in our lives like computers. It would also strengthen our country against the evildoers.

One of my conservative friends posted me a link to this article:

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My Prediction For The 2nd Presidential Debate

clipart of Doug's Debate Predictor Hat

On Tuesday, October 16th, President Obama and Mitt Romney will have their 2nd of three debates at Hofstra University. It will be a town hall style debate, with questions asked by undecided** voters, which means there won’t be any podiums and the candidates will get to walk around. I’m sure you’re like me and you have other things to do and don’t want to watch the full debate, I’m going to put on my pointy election debate cap and make a prediction on the winner.

Basically the Romney campaign needs the debate to be a win or at least a draw.

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