GOP Winning Strategy To Elect Democrats In 2014

image of Sen. Ted Cruz
Sen. Ted Cruz, one of the Republicans who wants to hold the government hostage over Obamacare

Republicans in Congress HATE the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). They have tried to repeal it 40 times while not even considering a needed jobs bill. They would rather put the 1% ahead of those who need help with the cost of basic health care. Now some of the rogue GOP members want to hold all us hostage by causing a government shut down this fall. They demand that Obamacare be defunded or else. They are under the delusion that jazzing up their small block of bigoted selfish voters will bring them overall victory in 2014 and 2016. Going for a shutdown will in fact bring a strong victory for Democrats.

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Obama’s Grand Bargain Nothing New

image of Speaker John Boehner and President Obama
Speaker John Boehner and President Obama

The media heated up on Friday reporting that President Obama’s new budget deal will include cuts to Social Security and Medicare (GASP!!!!). It was reported that the “left” exploded at the idea of cuts to earned benefits. If the media would do their jobs they would know the President has been offering these “cuts” for a couple of years now and the Republicans have always refused the offer because they don’t want to increase taxes. They don’t want the President to have a win of any kind. Right now there is a lot more heat than flame.

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Even When Given What They Want The GOP Refuses To Agree

image of Speaker Boehner and President Obama
“I know you gave us what we wanted, Mr. President, but the answer is still no.”

They call it the Obama Derangement Syndrome. It’s the irrational way Republicans in Congress refuse to agree with anything President Obama proposes even when he tries to give them exactly what they want. The most recent example is the President offering to cut entitlements as part of the ‘Grand Bargain’ he insists on trying to get.

A couple of points first. Social Security doesn’t contribute to the deficit and acting like it does, even from those on the left side of the aisle give the Republicans cover when they do “give-in” and “allow” the President to cut Social Security.

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GOP Has No Incentive To Change The Sequester, They Got What They Wanted In 2011

image of Speaker John Boehner pointing
Speaker John Boehner: I got 98% of what I wanted… HA! HA!

Earlier on Thursday, Republicans in the Senate filibustered a bill meant to replace the “dreaded” sequester due to take effect today (March 1st). I mentioned to my friends on Facebook that I guess the The GOP didn’t want to stop the sequester. My Republican friends complained that President Obama didn’t want to end the sequester cuts either and offered an out of context video clip from 2011. The actual facts show that Republicans have no incentive to change the sequester because they got exactly what they wanted back in 2011.

Here is a clip of the article I posted on Facebook:

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