President Obama giving 2nd Inauguration speech 01/21/2013
Loved President Obama’s 2nd Inauguration speech given today. I heard the social contract in his words. In a post on my iHumanism blog I highlighted some of my favorite parts of the speech.
President Obama had his public inauguration today (1/21) and he gave his 2nd inaugural speech on the West Front of the US Capital. As I listened I couldn’t help but be impressed by the elements of the social contract he included in his speech. I have highlighted my favorite parts and plan on using these quotes in future essays and discussions I might have.
Of course some of my atheist colleagues will complain about all the God talk and religious symbolism and they have a valid point but I don’t think that diminishes the overall inclusive nature of the speech and the ideas he spoke about.
I hope the speech leads to some good progressive policy.