The DNC Is Evil But Bernie Has A Problem With Votes Not A Conspiracy

Bernie campaigning

After Super Tuesday, my Facebook and Twitter feed was a cacophony of gnashing teeth and abject depression. Most of the people in my feeds support Bernie Sanders and he got pummeled on Tuesday by Joe Biden. Most of the complaints began and ended with the Democratic National Committee putting a thumb on the scale and that they never liked him. The DNC is evil but Bernie’s performance at the polls on Tuesday was the old school lack of votes.

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Why Do Progressives Make Life So Hard?

some progressive issues

The 2016 Presidential election is in the books and we will be getting a President progressives didn’t want, who will be working with a Congress controlled by people who don’t support progressive issues. For some reason the progressive groups I follow seem to have a new energy and a surge of donations to ‘fight the power’. I can’t help myself but wonder where was this energy before election day? Why do progressives seem to take the hard road? Do we like being a victim when we don’t need to be?

Life was looking up for progressives. Our issues were being addressed. We had the start of real health insurance reform, same-sex marriage was finally legalized, there was movement toward addressing climate change, church and state issues were going our way. We were on the cusp of electing the first woman president who likely would be friendly to our issues and continue the progress made under President Obama.

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#BlackLivesMatter Should Be An Equal Opportunity Disruption

Bernie Sanders gets a earful from a protester in Seattle

For the 2nd time, A Bernie Sanders rally was shut down by activists of the #BlackLivesMatter movement. This time it was a rally in the supposed progressive city of Seattle. Once again the BLM people made a statement that does need to be said but I sure would like to see them shut down Republican rallies or even Hillary Clinton rallies. If they want national attention then they should be an equal opportunity disruption.

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Sorry GOP, Getting A Majority Of A 20% Voter Turnout Is NOT A Mandate

image of the new GOP logo

Boy the midterm elections held yesterday was a kick in the gut for Democrats. The party failed to get their voters to the polls. Running away from your accomplishments will do that. So why did they run away? It was combination of corporate money, a biased media, and organizational incompetence. I’m sure glad I am not a Democrat but it pisses me off they blew this election.

As one comedian put it:

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