Ohio State Senator Tim Schaffer has no idea how public assistance system works

photo of Ohio State Senator Tim Schaffer (R-31)
Ohio State Senator Tim Schaffer (R-31)

I knew when low voter turn out helped sweep the GOP into office in Ohio this past November that we would then see some stupid ideas being introduced. For example, unemployment is 9% and instead of that being a priority the Ohio GOP instead have introduced six anti-abortion bills. The stupidity also led Ohio State Senator Tim Schaffer (R-31) to introduce a bill requiring a urine test as a requirement for state public assistance.

The Ohio Senate is considering the bill that would require anyone applying for heating, housing, medical or food assistance to submit a urine sample.

People who fail or refuse the test would not qualify for aid.

State Sen. Tim Schaffer says the bill will weed people out who abuse the system.

“What the legislation does is, it makes sure that when Ohio taxpayers are asked to provide human services to a family, that the money is being used to buy things for the family,” Schaffer said.

State Assistance May Require Drug Tests

I get a sad kick out of morons like Schaffer who don’t understand how public assistance works. They operate on false assumptions. Schaffer is wrong in his intent that “the money is used to buy things for the family…”

State assistance is rarely actual cash. Heating assistance is a voucher, food stamps are now debit cards, medical payments are made direct payments to the provider from the state.

A friend pointed out too that a urine sample will usually not detect alcohol. NOR will it detect cocaine if they last used a week ago or more.

People on public assistance have to jump through so many hoops as it is. The false assumption of wide spread fraud personalized in the old Reagan era “welfare queen” smear just doesn’t exist since the welfare reform work in the mid 1990’s.

Tim Schaffer and those who have no current idea how the public assistance system works, need to take a test before they can introduce new laws about it.

2 Replies to “Ohio State Senator Tim Schaffer has no idea how public assistance system works”

  1. "State assistance is rarely actual cash. Heating assistance is a voucher, food stamps are now debit cards, medical payments are made direct payments to the provider from the state."
    This is a true statement, yes. But i think you are blind to the real world, my dear. Everyday, people are trading vouchers for cash, to get their drug fixes. This is abuse. State funded housing is a privilege, not a right. And the fact that you dont realize that is astounding. I personally know adults living off of the system with children. She doesnt have a job, her license, or a will to aquire either of those things. These people are feeders, and its not fair that middle-class citizens have to pay for this. Lets be honest, people suck. And anything we can do to weed out these people, we should. Their laziness is not our problem, and its not the government's either.

    1. These people are feeders, and its not fair that middle-class citizens have to pay for this. Lets be honest, people suck. And anything we can do to weed out these people, we should. Their laziness is not our problem, and its not the government's either.

      Really? How often have you reported people you thought were committing fraud? Did you know you can report them? I have reported two people so far who I thought or knew was committing fraud. I also don't believe you have witnessed people trading vouchers for drugs. I think you need to read up on how the welfare system works today just like Tim Schaffer needs to.

      Also do you really want to take that gamble of cutting people off from basic help like housing and food? Conservatives – even militant conservatives believed that social safety nets paid for by the government is a good thing to have if only to prevent a violent overthrow of the government. Like you, the Tea Party types are gambling with their current level of freedom cause if the homeless and poor get desperate then you will see some of the same stuff you saw in Egypt and Tunisia this past summer. The Tunisian revolution started with food riots – people protesting the high cost of food. And look what happened in Wisconsin and Ohio when collective bargaining was ended. Just think what would happen if all those people who need public assistance don't get it. There is not a police or military unit large enough to protect your property in such an event.

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