Why I Hate Trumpcare And Why Repeal & Replace Is A Scam

image of a crowded ER waiting room
The GOP would like us to return to the bad old days of overcrowded emergency rooms for non-emergency healthcare

While the GOP in the US Senate try to find a way to bribe and strong arm enough votes to pass their version of Trumpcare, I had another debate with a conservative friend about the issue. He doesn’t think he should pay for someone else’s healthcare. This is why we are so far apart on the issue. He thinks it’s like buying a car and I think healthcare is a fundamental human right and a basic plan should be provided and funded by the government using tax dollars.

Josh Marshall, over at Talkingpoints Memo puts the divide clear and to the point:

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Gov. John Kasich’s Lame ‘Great White Hope’ Play For The Nomination

picture of Ohio Governor John Kasich
Ohio Governor John Kasich, the GOP’s ‘Great White Hope’??

After finishing a long distant second in the New Hampshire primary, Ohio Governor John Kasich’s plan to be the GOP’s ‘Great White Hope’ seems to be moving along. Now it seems the media is finally looking more closely at Kasich’s record in Ohio. We’ve been screaming about his lies ever since he joined the race for President.

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If You Think President Obama Failed To Unify The Country Then Blame The GOP

image of President Obama speaking
President Obama

President Barack Obama has started his legacy tour as his final year in office starts. He is giving interviews that review all that he has accomplished in his time in office. During these interviews, the beltway media keep asking him why he didn’t unite the country like he promised as if he is the only one at fault. The problem of polarization lies completely at the feet of the GOP and their media lackeys.

Here is part of an interview that the President gave to the CBS Sunday Morning show on January 24th:

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You Can’t Complain About Syrian Refugees AND Complain About Trump’s Plan To Ban Muslims Entering The US

Donald Trump Hitler Salute

Donald Trump continued his Internet comment section campaign for the Presidency by offering an idea to ban Muslims from entering the US. While a majority of normal Americans and most of the other GOP presidential candidates rejected his idea, it seems some of them forgot that not even a month ago they advocated keeping out refugees from Syria due to unfounded worries that Syrian immigrants were terrorists. We know that logic fails the GOP more times than not, but you can’t complain about Syrian refugees AND complain about Trump’s plan to ban Muslims.

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Shocker! The Poor Doesn’t Spend Public Assistance On Steak And Lobster

photo of a steak on a grill

A few state legislatures, dominated by Republicans, have not only attacked women with draconian anti-abortion laws but have also attacked poor people by trying to micro manage how they spend public assistance. The GOP has the idea that poor people are spending money on steak and lobster and other luxuries. One survey shows they are still wrong.

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