Eurythmics Mended My Broken Heart

image of two Eurythmics album covers

A classic human milestone is one’s first broken heart. It can happen at any age but it does happen to all of us at some point. My first broken heart was during my college years when my first real love didn’t share the same feelings for me that I had for her. I hit a very rough patch that took several months to heal. It also probably cost me two friendships as they got tired of my blubbering depression and needing to talk about the event incessantly. Lucky for me I had the Eurythmics on my record player for much of that tough time and their songs helped mend my broken heart.

I had been a fan of Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart since “Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)” but there were two albums specifically that got me through my melancholy: “Be Yourself Tonight” (1985) and “Revenge” (1986). I had picked them up at a local record store and already had dubbed them to a blank cassette so I could listen to the music while walking to class.

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Weekend Ear Candy – In the air tonight – Phil Collins

It’s late one summer evening and I’m lying in a lean-to tent during a camp out weekend with my Scout troop back in 1982 I think. I am alone in the tent since I was so “popular” every one wanted to bunk with me. My only real friend was my small transistor radio. And a storm was moving toward the camp.

The sky flashed with lightening and low rumbles of thunder shook the ground as the storm drew closer.

I HATED thunderstorms so I turned on the radio and laid it on my ear to muffle the storm. “In the air tonight” came on and at just the time it seemed to sync with the storm noise and actually made it more enjoyable – it added a freaky twist to the song and the storm. Now when I hear the song it transfers back to that time and place.

In the air tonight – Phil Collins

Weekend Ear Candy – Ben Folds Five

The band Ben Folds Five was really a power pop trio from North Carolina that had a hit with the ballad “Brick” in 1997. They broke up in 2000. I liked their more energetic music such as this weeks weekend ear candy titled “Army” I just love horns in songs although in this live performance, the horn section isn’t a good fit on the song. The actual recording is better.

Ben Folds Five – Army

Weekend Ear Candy – 1976

As promised, here are some of my favorite songs from one of my favorite years – 1976. That year I had my first transistor radio that also had an FM band so not only did I get to listen to WFIN and CKLW but also WIOT in Toledo. There were a bunch of hits that I loved that year and I remember that summer, camping with the family at Sulphur Lake near Arlington and the only thing that I constantly had besides my swim trunks was my transistor radio.

These are in no particular order:

Devil Woman – Cliff Richard

Silly Love Songs – Paul McCartney and Wings

Theme from S.W.A.T. – Rhythm Heritage

Don’t go breaking my heart – Elton John & Kiki Dee

Afternoon Delight – Starland Vocal Band

S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y. Night – Baycity Rollers

Rubberband Man – The Spinners (Live 1976 Midnight Special)

Shake your booty – KC and The Sunshine Band

Car Wash- Rose Royce

Blinded by the Light – Manfred Mann

*Note* I had a problem coming up with a good 10th song to mesh with this list. My first choice “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” by Gordon Lightfoot was a favorite but just killed the buzz of this list.

But if you want to see that one, follow the next link:

“The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald” – Gordon Lightfoot