Weekend Ear Candy – Foreigner Urgent

Back in 8th grade I was elected homeroom representative to our Junior High School student council at Glenwood in a contentious vote. I was up against the smartest girl in the class. Her name was Jill B. She had been on Student Council in 7th grade and fully expected to be re-elected.

I should note we were put in homerooms based on the first letter of our last names. So during my 3 years in Junior High all the A’s to J’s (I believe) were in the same homeroom.

I didn’t like the fact that no one stepped forward to run against her and she seemed a bit smug about it all – like she deserved it. So I raised my hand to volunteer.

We each had to give a speech to say why we should be elected and although Jill was smart, she wasn’t good in off the cuff speaking. I found out I was. The teacher had us stand out in the hall while the vote was taken then shortly were called back in.

To my surprise I won. I think it might have had something to do with her smugness and the fact there were more boys than girls in the class.

Student Council’s main job was to host school events like dances and movie nights. I got to run the popcorn machine which was fun and I had to clean it up at the end of the night – which wasn’t fun.

We would hire a DJ to come in for the dances. Being a school there were some songs he wasn’t allowed to play like “Cocaine” by Eric Clapton, “The Stroke” by Billy Squire, and “Don’t Try Suicide” by Queen but other songs were fine.

One song I remember that got a lot of play that year was “Urgent” by Foreigner. So whenever I hear the song it takes me back to those dances at Glenwood and the smell of popcorn.

Here is a live version of the song:

Foreigner – Urgent (live)

Weekend Ear Candy: Elton John

For this edition of Weekend Ear Candy, I wanted to show one of my favorite Elton John songs. Philadelphia Freedom may not be exactly about democracy but he did play at a concert during the Bicentennial in 1976. This version was done with a full orchestra which makes the song that much cooler.


Philadelphia Freedom

Weekend Ear Candy: The Corrs

I‘m starting a new segment on this blog – Weekend Ear Candy.

Basically I plan on using the power of YouTube to highlight music I like on the weekends when I may not have an actual post to make.

Today is the first under this label.

My favorite band – so far – The Corrs and a live version of their hit “I Never Loved You Anyway”. It was performed during their most recent DVD concert in 2004. They currently are on an extended break while the family do family stuff like having children etc…..

If you never heard of The Corrs then click on the link on their name to see a tribute page I put up some years ago after their last tour.

I picked a live version of this song because in their concerts they use it to introduce the members of the band.

I Never Loved You Anyway