This about sums up my views on the so-called ‘War on Christmas’

Ocassional Thoughts of an Independent Progressive Atheistic Humanist
One thing I can’t stand is when arguing with people who have no idea what they are talking about. Over at my iHumanism blog I have a post up about a minister in Texas who tries to argue against secular humanism yet shows he really knows nothing about it.
Back in my hometown of Findlay Ohio, voters, this November, will be asked to pass a renewal of a 0.25 percent income tax that was passed three years ago as a result of the great recession of 2008. The battle for the passage of the tax highlights how wrong Republicans are about taxes and economics in general. It mirrors the failures of trickle down economics on the national level.
As if it wasn’t understood before Wednesday night, in Denver, Mitt Romney will lie in order to get elected. His talking points in the debate contained as many lies as Paul Ryan’s RNC speech in August. I don’t know about you but I want a President who won’t lie on a whim. Mitt Romney just isn’t electable.
Here is a brief summary of some of the whoppers Mr. Romney let fly at the debate:
The go to talking point on the campaign trail for Republicans is to blame President Obama for the state of the economy as if the President is the only person who had a chance to deal with the broken economy he got when he took office in 2009. What Republicans don’t do is point out their party was the party of NO! blocking many of the President’s initiatives to better the economy. If the economy is not doing as well as it should be, the fault rests with the Republicans in Congress.
Here is what was seen in a recent Romney Super PAC ad: