If Want To Argue Against My Philosophy Then Do Your Homework First

created image of guy shouting Atheists!

One thing I can’t stand is when arguing with people who have no idea what they are talking about. Over at my iHumanism blog I have a post up about a minister in Texas who tries to argue against secular humanism yet shows he really knows nothing about it.

I have a news alert setup to let me know whenever something is published on-line about secular humanism. As you can imagine there are far more negative articles written about it than positive – which is okay. It’s also pretty easy to spot when someone hasn’t really done any research about secular humanism and just repeats false or misleading information. Usually such articles come from religious conservatives like the minister from Iowa Park Texas. I would say, if you plan on opposing secular humanism, at least do your homework.

Bill Lockwood, minister of Iowa Park Church of Christ, in Texas, had a post published on the website for the Wichita Falls Times Record News titled “Humanism’s threat growing”

If You Plan On Opposing Secular Humanism, Do Your Homework

I would be more than happy to have a debate about the relevance of religion but the people who debate me have to at least know what they are talking about.

Don’t waste my time with your straw man arguments.