Anti-Strickland Ad Is Misleading

Screencap from anti-Strickland ad 2016

A political action committee, that supports Senator Rob Portman’s reelection, have a TV advertisement running that says Ted Strickland joined a liberal special interest group that claimed members of the military are paid too much and praised the VA despite veterans having died while waiting for care. But is that really true? The claims are a misleading attempt at ‘guilt by association’ and ignores Strickland’s actual views and record on veterans issues.

Here is the ad in question, produced by the Fighting for Ohio Fund, that is being run in my area:

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No, Margaret Sanger Didn’t Want To Exterminate African-Americans

image of two Margaret Sanger quote memes that are wrong
Two out of context Margaret Sanger quotes that mislead readers

One tactic that forced birth conservatives use to argue against abortion is an old refuted argument that Margaret Sanger, one of the founders of Planned Parenthood, was a racist. They use a quote out of context from a 1930s letter she wrote advocating for birth control clinics for the African-American community in the South and a quote that intentionally puts a negative light on her support of the now discredited Eugenics movement. The goal of the memes isn’t to educate about Margaret Sanger but to smear her.

The two quotes I’ve seen posted on Facebook by conservative friends of mine can be seen in the image to the right of this post.

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Governor Kasich’s 250,000 Jobs Talking Point Actually Looks Bad

image of Kasich yelling

Being election season, I get campaign mailers. One mailer I got the other day was from Governor John Kasich. On the mailer, Kaisch crows about adding 250,000 jobs. Normally that would be a good thing but when you start from a 400,000 total job loss it actually looks bad.

Here is part of the scan from the mailer I got:

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Facts Don’t Have A Political Slant – Journalists Need To Do More Fact Checking And Less Stenography

screenshot of 'Journalist' Chuck Todd
‘Journalist’ Chuck Todd

Toledo Blade columnist Marilou Johanek wrote a post about journalists letting their opinion into the stories they do. While I agree with the general idea of her article, there is something missing: Facts don’t have a political slant. What I feel is worse for people today is the failure of journalists to give the facts and the context in a story. That should be their primary job.

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