Mitt Romney: Serial Unrepentant Flip-Flopper

image of Mitt Romney: Serial Flip-Flopper

The Democratic National Committee put out a video in November 2011 that pretty much shows all the flip-flops by Mitt Romney up to that point. Context has nothing to do with it. One time he says one thing then you turn around and he says something else. It makes Romney no better than a used car salesman. The story of two men trapped in one body

Context has nothing to do with this. He has changed his positions on many issues sometimes within days of taking one side. He is not good speaking off the cuff and forgets what he is suppose to say to get elected. His overseas trip was another example of his business skills not presidential skills. Brown nosing the group you’re speaking to is the time honored tradition of the Rotary Club not the White House.

My problem with him is he refuses to acknowledge that he changed his positions.

It makes him no better than a used car salesman and I don’t think a used car salesman is qualified to be President.