Happy Thanksgiving!

Another holiday is about to come to an end and I can feel the turkey starting to hit me. I remember back when I was a kid it was all parades on TV until noon, today I couldn’t find a parade at all. Oh, there was parades, they just didn’t show them on TV. All of them have those crap dancing and singing bits on the street.

Just show me the floats and balloons, please. I don’t care that Grease is on Broadway and I didn’t care for the G rated version of “Greased Lighting”.

All I want is all the floats and balloons and Jack Lord at the end telling me “Aloha” from Hawaii leading into the football game at noon.

The football games today – Detroit and the Titans and Dallas and Seattle – were awful. Just awful. I stopped watching after the first half.

My dinner turned out great. I cooked a turkey breast roast, mashed potatoes, cole slaw, and dinner rolls. It hasn’t killed me yet so I must have done it right.

Here is a slide show of my thanksgiving meal: