Sorry GOP, if you do win in the midterms it won’t be because people want you to trash the economy again

Caught a couple of good articles on the Internets today. One talked about why the Democrats might lose the 2010 midterm elections and another talked about how to fix the short term deficit problem. The fix doesn’t include cutting social security or electing Republicans – as smart people know.

Democrats won their massive majority because of an economic collapse. They’ve passed so much legislation because they have a massive majority based on an economic collapse. But the economic collapse isn’t over. And having a lot more seats than the other party means 1) voters blame you for the condition of the country, and 2) you have a lot of seats to lose. What the bad economy and the huge majority giveth, the bad economy and the huge majority taketh away. Om.

The incredible obviousness of the Democrats’ political fortunes

*Side Note* One reason it seems people aren’t happy with the President and the Democrats is because they still can’t rub two stones together to get us to see their half-assed watered down legislation (like the Health care reform and the recent financial reform bills for example) is the bees knees.

Policies such as the stimulus were not done well enough, and everyone from Nobel prize winners with good predictive records like Stiglitz and Krugman, down to nobodies like me, predicted it at the time. The President hired the wrong people to give him advice, didn’t even do as much as many of them wanted, and now we all pay the price.

Sometimes half doesn’t work. Half-assed rarely does. All Obama’s half assed “left wing” policies have done is discredit the left for another generation. Combined with the ability of the media, Republicans and hysterical Tea Baggers unable to use a dictionary to define him as a “socialist” this means that Obama’s policies are seen as left wing, and left wing policies are seen to have failed.

Blaming the blogosphere for Democratic Failures

That leads us to the real fix for the deficit since the Republicans and other idiots insist on “fixing” it:

First, the facts. Nearly the entire deficit for this year and those projected into the near and medium terms are the result of three things: the ongoing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Bush tax cuts and the recession. The solution to our fiscal situation is: end the wars, allow the tax cuts to expire and restore robust growth. Our long-term structural deficits will require us to control healthcare inflation the way countries with single-payer systems do.

Deficits of Mass Destruction

The deficit hawks would be satisfied and it doesn’t include Republicans or trashing the economy.

Senator Jon Kyl: douche bag – Saint Ronnie Reagan: thief

No joke that elected Republicans in Congress hate the unemployed. Latest proof is this week’s douche Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl who claimed that tax cuts for the rich are needed more than unemployment benefits. Also it seems that Saint Ronald Reagan was more into wealth redistribution and it wasn’t to regular Americans.

The second highest ranking Republican in the Senate doubled down on a controversial statement he made this weekend, arguing in greater detail that tax cuts for wealthy people should never be offset by tax increases in other areas — but that unemployment benefits need to be fully paid for by either spending cuts or tax increases. In so doing, he claimed candidly that the very existence of unemployment insurance is a “necessary evil,” while tax cuts ought not be paid for by increases in order to make it easier to shrink the size of government.

Kyl: Rich Need Tax Cuts More Than Jobless Need Benefits

And the truth about President Ronald Reagan and his economic policy when he took office in 1981:

“Conservative policies transformed the United States from the largest creditor nation to the largest debtor nation in just a few years, and it has only gotten worse since then. Working people’s share of the benefits from increased productivity took a sudden turn down. This resulted in intense concentration of wealth at the top.”

6 Shocking Ways Conservatives Helped Cause the Economic Destruction of America

So the long and short is the Reagan Era brought out a redistribution of wealth from regular people to the very rich that we see today.

What exactly is the Tea Partiers problem?

Once again my TV was filled with images of angry people complaining about big government and runaway spending and too many taxes. The facts really say otherwise so why are they so upset and have been. I know the primary reason is they lost the 2008 election and their GOP partners can only complain and stomp their feet. But what I just don’t get is why are the tea partiers so upset – really.

With Tax Day again upon us, two story lines will predictably dominate the media coverage on April 15th. In their perpetual war on taxes, conservatives will claim that rates are too high even as those Americans who receive tax credits get “welfare.” Meanwhile, frothing-at-the-mouth Tea Partiers will protest about being “Taxed Enough Already.”

Here, then, are 10 Inconvenient Truths for Tax Day:

1. Over 95% of Working Households Got Tax Cuts
2. Only 2% of Tea Baggers Know Obama Cut Their Taxes…
3. …and 52% of Tea Partiers Think Their Taxes are Fair…
4. …and Think the Federal Tax Level is Over Double What It Is
5. 1% of Families Earned 24% of All Income…
6. …and 57% of All Capital Income
7. 400 Richest Taxpayers Saw Incomes Double, Tax Rates Halved
8. Only 1 in 500 Families Pay the Estate Tax
9. Corporate Taxes Have Plummeted as a Share of GDP
10. The U.S. Loses $345 Billion a Year to Tax Evasion and Fraud

10 Inconvenient Truths for Tax Day

So they protested *not* paying taxes? Really?

I also don’t understand how a rational compassionate human being can be against a needy person getting the health care they need without having to destroy their financial lives. Do tea partiers really believe that affordable health care is something open to merit? Really?

I know the protesters aren’t all racists but why do they automatically use images and words that invokes racism? I know if President Obama wasn’t black that some of the words and images wouldn’t be used in the protests.

Why does it seem that the protesters will take the word of known liars and not do their own research when forming beliefs on public policies. Are they that gullible? Really?

Where were these people when Bush was running up huge debit to fight an unneeded war and violated our 4th amendment rights with impunity?

Oh that’s right – then they agreed with everything. Really??

Hite against delay in tax cut even with $900 million state budget hole

State Rep. Cliff Hite (R-76th District) was in the news today for a couple of state issues. While I didn’t agree with his overall comments I do give the man credit for acknowledging that alternatives for the budget issues facing Ohio would not be painless.

In an interview on WFIN’s morning show Hite said that the Republicans had ideas to help fill in the approx $900 million budget gap after the Ohio Supreme Court ruled that allowing video slot machines had to be voted on by the public. He said that one was restructuring state government by reducing the number of departments. The example he gave was eliminating the Department of Agriculture and absorbing the work into multiple departments. Such a change would lead to the loss of many state worker jobs.

Another suggestion was reducing Medicaid benefits which would hurt those who get those benefits.

Ohio Governor Ted Strickland has said he wants to postpone the 4.2% tax reduction scheduled to take place in 2009 for two years. Some Republicans are against the delay because they feel the tax cut was meant to make “Ohio more competitive for jobs.” Hite is also against a delay.

I will credit Rep. Hite, that unlike the previous guy to hold his seat, he at least acknowledges the Republican alternatives aren’t perfect.

I disagree with Hite’s view on postponing the tax cut and changing state government.

It makes no sense, when one is losing revenue, to cut your revenue further. Ohio has made massive spending cuts in the past so any more cuts will be hitting bone.

The fact is that Ohio isn’t even in the top 10 for personal income tax and the corporate tax rate is only 5.1% for those that actually pay it. The argument that our taxes are too high is not supported by the evidence. The tax cut that Strickland wants to delay was passed in 2005 before the economy tanked and was to be phased in 4% a year with this year being the last of the 21% cut.

It is good to know that Hite isn’t a plain Jane Republican ideologue. Picture Robbie the Robot waving arms and saying “Must cut spending must cut spending must cut spending must cut spending…” and ignoring reality like Mike Gilb and Lynn Wachtmann use to do.

In an article in The Findlay Courier Rep. Hite said he favored State Issue 2 which supposedly creates yet another state board to prevent groups like the Humane Society from getting laws passed in the state to protect farm animals from cruel treatment.

So smaller government is good for business unless you can use it to protect business, then it needs to be larger.

It doesn’t make sense to me either.

Shocker! US House Republicans vote against stimulus bill

Just like knowing an episode of the TV show Three’s Company would involve a misunderstanding of some kind, Republicans in the US House voted against the $825 billion stimulus bill put forward by President Obama and the Democrats. This was even after Obama wined and dined them to join the cool kids hoping to save America. Instead they crapped in the leftovers and kicked the dog. Yes, classy.

Of course those of us outside the beltway bubble saw it coming especially after seeing video of House Minority Leader John Boehner giving his views on the plan:

What? Couldn’t understand him? Does it really matter?

The Democrats have the majority and the White House and they tried to bring the GOP along for the ride. They even threw some bones to them but again they crapped in the leftovers and kicked the dog.