Why I Hate Trumpcare And Why Repeal & Replace Is A Scam

image of a crowded ER waiting room
The GOP would like us to return to the bad old days of overcrowded emergency rooms for non-emergency healthcare

While the GOP in the US Senate try to find a way to bribe and strong arm enough votes to pass their version of Trumpcare, I had another debate with a conservative friend about the issue. He doesn’t think he should pay for someone else’s healthcare. This is why we are so far apart on the issue. He thinks it’s like buying a car and I think healthcare is a fundamental human right and a basic plan should be provided and funded by the government using tax dollars.

Josh Marshall, over at Talkingpoints Memo puts the divide clear and to the point:

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Ad Supporting Senator Rob Portman Uses Debunked Myths About Obamacare

screencap of Misinformed small business owner

Everyone expects some political lying in TV ads during election season especially with all the dark money pouring into campaigns. A recent ad that supports Senator Rob Portman is the worse kind of political lying because it is aimed at the low information voter who doesn’t keep up on the issues. A small business owner is complaining about insurance costs and then Portman chimes in that “Obamacare” has cost jobs and is vague as usual that it needs to be replaced. The fact is the business owner’s insurance costs went up because they couldn’t offer the cheap, crappy coverage no longer permitted under the Affordable Care Act and there is no evidence that the ACA has cost any jobs.

Here is a brief transcript of the ad:

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After Hobby Lobby Decision Religion Can Get Between You And Your Doctor

image of a Hobby Lobby store
US Supreme Court said Hobby Lobby owners know more than your doctor

The conservative propaganda machine is trying like mad to minimize the Hobby Lobby court decision. One argument is that women can still get contraceptives, they just have to pay for it. I wish it was that simple. Kind of like the decision some elderly people have to make – either pay for their expensive medicine and eat cat food or die from untreated medical conditions. It’s a ‘Sophie’s Choice‘ and one where conservatives show they have no heart. The decision covers ALL forms of contraception and includes talking to your doctor about them.

One attempt at conservative spin is to claim that women still have access to birth control but they would have to pay for it themselves.

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Ohio Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor Lies Again

Offical imgae of Ohio Lt. Governor Mary Taylor
Ohio Lt. Governor Mary Taylor

Ohio Lt. Governor Mary Taylor was speaking at a Lincoln Day lunch in Findlay Ohio on Monday and she couldn’t help but lie once again about the Affordable Care Act and Governor Kasich’s policies. It wasn’t surprising but if I were a Republican I would be upset with a party leader giving me false information. Anyone who reads the news knows she lied.

As reported in the Findlay (OH) Courier:

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Before Obamacare The Health Care System Worked?

good oral health is important

One of the old tropes used by the GOP and their complaint corporate media drones is that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will ‘destroy’ a health care system that we were told wasn’t that bad. Opponents to the ACA want us to forget why the ACA was proposed and passed in 2010. Even with the ACA taking full effect there are still examples where the health care system needs further reform for the poor due to lack of funding, red tape, and yes even high costs. Bob’s story shows why this particular conservative argument against the ACA is full of crap.

Watching someone without dental insurance trying to get emergency care is exactly what it was like for all people without health care insurance before the ACA.

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