Bad Journalism About The Affordable Care Act Trickling Down To My Local Station

WBNS 10TV Columbus Ohio

The problems with the national website have been reported quite a bit by a national media that loves to parrot Republican talking points. I really hoped that the bias in the reporting would stay with the national media and my local media would do a better job. I was wrong. The one station I watch most often, WBNS 10TV, in Columbus, breathlessly reported the problems signing up for the insurance exchange but has failed to offer any context or any success stories.

Ever since the insurance exchange opened at the beginning of October, WBNS 10TV has been doing stories like the following:

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SHUTDOWN! Another GOP Theater Production

image of Speaker Boehner giving thumbs up
Speaker Boehner thumbs up the shutdown his party caused

At Midnight on October 1st, the federal government began to shut down because the Republicans in Congress decided to do it to appease their Tea Party radicals. It’s all big theater and spitting in the eye of the Constitution. They claim it is to stop the Affordable Care Act but is really just a continuation of their plan to gut anything in the government that doesn’t benefit their corporate owners. These are the same guys that got the sequester passed and like common extortionists they are back for more.

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There Is More To The ‘Unions Hate Obamacare’ Than You’ll See On FOX ‘News’

logo for the AFL-CIO

My conservative friends, on Facebook, love posting articles mentioning how much labor unions HATE Obamacare as if that is enough to demand it be repealed. Some Unions did send a letter asking for an exemption to the Affordable Care Act. Friday the White House announced it had denied the request. There is more to the story than you will see on Fox ‘News’ or read in the Wall Street Journal.

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GOP Winning Strategy To Elect Democrats In 2014

image of Sen. Ted Cruz
Sen. Ted Cruz, one of the Republicans who wants to hold the government hostage over Obamacare

Republicans in Congress HATE the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). They have tried to repeal it 40 times while not even considering a needed jobs bill. They would rather put the 1% ahead of those who need help with the cost of basic health care. Now some of the rogue GOP members want to hold all us hostage by causing a government shut down this fall. They demand that Obamacare be defunded or else. They are under the delusion that jazzing up their small block of bigoted selfish voters will bring them overall victory in 2014 and 2016. Going for a shutdown will in fact bring a strong victory for Democrats.

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Koch Brothers ‘Obamacare’ Ad Is Full Of False Information

screencap from Koch Ad
Not even sure this actress’ name is really Julie

The Koch Brothers astroturf group, Americans for Prosperity, has released an ad against the Affordable Care Act (aka ‘Obamacare’) that uses false information. Unlike the information given in the ad, under the ACA, you will be able to choose your own doctor and a majority of people will not being paying higher premiums. Not to mention that it is ironic the ad complains about ‘the folks in Washington’ getting involved in one’s health care yet insurance companies insert themselves in your health care all the time. If you see this ad, remember it is false and paid for by people who have no need for a social safety net.

I saw the ad on a local TV station the other day.

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