Blame Obama?

clipart of GOP: Party of NO!

The go to talking point on the campaign trail for Republicans is to blame President Obama for the state of the economy as if the President is the only person who had a chance to deal with the broken economy he got when he took office in 2009. What Republicans don’t do is point out their party was the party of NO! blocking many of the President’s initiatives to better the economy. If the economy is not doing as well as it should be, the fault rests with the Republicans in Congress.

Here is what was seen in a recent Romney Super PAC ad:

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Who Will Tell Grandma That Paul Ryan Wants Her To Die?

image showing Grandma's not happy with Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan was picked for some reason as the vice presidential candidate on Mitt Romney’s GOP ticket. Ryan is the same douche bag who wrote a budget plan that would turn Medicare into a voucher system. Why did Romney put the senior citizen vote, one of the last groups who would vote Republican, into play for 2012?

Here are the facts about Paul Ryan and Medicare:

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Papa John Schnatter Too Cheap To Provide Affordable Health Care For His Workers

image of 'Papa' John Schnatter

The founder and CEO of Papa John’s Pizza, John Schnatter said during a shareholders conference call last week that if the Affordable Care Act wasn’t repealed it would add up to 14 cents onto the cost of a pizza. It’s good too know that Papa John thinks 14 cents is far more important than affordable health care for his minimum wage workers.

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‘You didn’t build that…’ not a new idea – ask Thomas Paine

image of Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine

Republicans went apoplectic when President Obama stated July 13th that people don’t build businesses in a vacuum. He said the government and indirectly all Americans help build those businesses. That idea isn’t a new one. Back in 2011 Elizabeth Warren expressed the same thoughts and it seems that even founding father Thomas Paine stated that idea in a pamphlet published in 1795.

As a reminder here is what President Obama actually said on July 13th:

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