Jon Husted To Pal Around With King Of Ohio Voter Suppression

image of voting suppressor in training Jon Husted
voting suppressor in training Jon Husted

The blog Plunderbund is reporting that Ohio Secretary of State (SOS) Jon Husted is going to attend a tea party “voter protection” event with former Secretary of State and still RWNJ Ken Blackwell. Don’t remember Blackwell? He was responsible for voter suppression efforts while Secretary of State during the 2004 Ohio voting debacle. His work pissed off so many people that a state referendum was tried in 2005 to take voting oversight away from the SOS. I guess we know how Husted really feels about voting rights.

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Why Doesn’t Ohio Secretary Of State Jon Husted Want Equal Access For Early Voting?

image of a Vote counts badge with an X over it
Ohio – trying not to make your vote count

This past Friday website ThinkProgress posted an article that noted that some Ohio counties had set different hours where one could vote during the state’s early voting period. The curious thing is that counties that are heavily Democratic will have shorter hours than Republican counties. When Democrats and the ACLU complained, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted refused to intervene to fix it but he did intervene to set up the inequality. Why doesn’t Jon Husted want equal access to early voting?

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Access To Health Care Is Like Driving A Car Or Owning A Cell Phone ???

image of Arizona GOP nom Jesse Kelly
Jesse Kelly – Human?

If you agree with Jesse Kelly, the Republican nominee in Arizona’s 8th congressional district, that access to health care should be treated like being allowed to drive a car or own a cell phone then we are in some serious trouble in this country. Health care should be a right and not subject to the whims and bias of people who live in a bubble of their own existence.

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Why Glenn Greenwald Is Wrong?

image of Glenn Greenwald

Today in my twitter stream was someone ranting about Glenn Greenwald and Katrina vanden Heuvel writing nice things about Ron Paul. In fact the person said both were RWNJs for supporting Paul. Of course the tweeter was wrong. Neither was supporting Paul only pointing out the ideas that Paul has that liberals usually support. I agree with most of what Greenwald writes but when talking about Ron Paul I disagree with his unstated conclusion.

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FOX Lies About Occupy Protests

image of FOX news logo modified

On FOX “news” Sunday, the panel decided that the Occupy movement was un-American and maybe even Marxist but during the Tea Party protests FOX “news” fell over itself to promote them. There is no difference between the Occupy movement and the Tea Party protests – in that they both were an exercise of their right to protest for what they believe in. To say one is “un-American” and the other isn’t betrays FOX’s bias toward the 1%.

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