Governor Kaisch Lies About Opposing Discrimination

image of Ohio Governor John Kaisch
Ohio Governor Kaisch unhinged as usual

I just love the word gymnastics a politician attempts in order to hold one narrow position and totally ignore the larger implications of that position. Ohio Governor John Kasich said in a recent interview he opposes same sex marriage but claimed to support civil unions until it was pointed out that was an alternative to same sex marriage. He says he opposes discrimination but based on his walk back on civil unions he is a liar.

It all started as it usually does with Kasich speaking without thinking about what he’s saying:

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Come on Portman! Do What’s Right Because It Is Right And Not For Selfish Reasons

quote image of Rob Portman's quote on gay marriage

The big news in my area is that Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) has changed his mind and now supports gay marriage. He said he changed because his son came out as gay. Some people I know are jumping for joy over the news but I’m not impressed. Why is it that these conservative types seem to only change their mind when it actually affects their family? Why can’t they do what’s right because it is right and not for selfish reasons.

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Justice Scalia: Voting Rights Act Is A Perpetuation Of Racial Entitlement

image of Justice Antonin Scalia
Justice Antonin Scalia

During oral arguments today over Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, Justice Antonin Scalia uttered probably the most racist comment ever heard in the US Supreme Court in 50 years. He complained about how Congress keeps passing renewal of the Voting Rights Act even if it might not be needed. He claimed that the act of Congress is a “perpetuation of racial entitlement.” Of course Scalia is wrong.

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In Defending Rights There Are No Trivial Issues

image of VP Biden taking the oath of office
Vice President Biden taking the oath of office 01/20/2013

The other day I read that a Republican legislator, in Arizona, introduced a bill that would require high school students to take a loyalty oath before being allowed to graduate. The oath includes the usual invoking of God clap trap we see in the Pledge of Allegiance. The requirement is stupid, doesn’t help educate kids, and could be used to discriminate against people who either don’t believe in such pledges or don’t believe in the God part like Atheists. What bothered me more was the reaction from an Atheist who thought the possibility for discrimination was trivial and nothing to get worked up about. In defending our rights nothing should be trivial.

Here is the text of the proposed high school graduation loyalty oath:

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