Hey Media! The N-Word Wasn’t The Story

screencap of ABC News White House correspondent Jonathan Karl being clueless again
ABC News White House correspondent Jonathan Karl being clueless again

It seems like most of the corporate media missed the actual point President Obama made when he used the N-word in a podcast interview that was released on Monday morning. Focusing on the word said rather than the President’s point is one more way the media avoids talking about racism in this country. It is even more ironic for white people to police the use of the N-word – and it proves the President’s point.

I watch the nightly news on ABC and their White House correspondent, Jonathan Karl, is on the same “Tool” level as NBC’s Chuck Todd. Karl is someone who gets a notion and forces his reporting into that narrative. It happened again when he was *SHOCKED* *SHOCKED* I tell you when the Marc Maron interview of the President was released and the President said *gasp* the N-word. Karl clutched his pearls on Good Morning America, at the White House daily briefing, and kept at it during his appearance on World News Tonight.

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Peter Jennings 1938-2005

The “face” of ABC News died today and I really miss him.

I was a Cronkite kid, growing up with Uncle Walter who I trusted as much as my mom. Then when he retired and Dan Rather took over I was a bit lost. For some reason I just never cared for Dan.

Then I found Peter on ABC’s World News Tonight. His confident delivery and focus on World news fit in with my needs at the time. I wanted to know and felt I needed to know about the world outside the US. In the days before cable news and the Internet, the main source of world news was one of the nightly newscasts.

I was alone in my love of World News Tonight. My Mom was a stick in the mud CBS News viewer and we use to have arguments over watching Rather or Jennings. I lost those battles but when she would be napping after work or wasn’t home, the TV was on Jennings.

Peter Jennings reminded me of Peter Mansbridge on the CBC and if you squinted they looked like twins. I also liked Jennings Canadian accent as it gave him a non-US allure like the presenters on the BBC.

It is a sad day for me.