‘Has President Obama Earned Your Vote?’ Ad Missing Something

screencap of End credits to Americans for Prosperity ad

Americans for Prosperity started airing a new ad against President Obama that had three people identified has having voted for the President in 2008 and who now talk about not voting for his re-election 2012. One actual fact slips out from the talking heads but the ad is missing something important. Can you guess what is missing?

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Why Doesn’t Ohio Secretary Of State Jon Husted Want Equal Access For Early Voting?

image of a Vote counts badge with an X over it
Ohio – trying not to make your vote count

This past Friday website ThinkProgress posted an article that noted that some Ohio counties had set different hours where one could vote during the state’s early voting period. The curious thing is that counties that are heavily Democratic will have shorter hours than Republican counties. When Democrats and the ACLU complained, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted refused to intervene to fix it but he did intervene to set up the inequality. Why doesn’t Jon Husted want equal access to early voting?

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‘You didn’t build that…’ not a new idea – ask Thomas Paine

image of Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine

Republicans went apoplectic when President Obama stated July 13th that people don’t build businesses in a vacuum. He said the government and indirectly all Americans help build those businesses. That idea isn’t a new one. Back in 2011 Elizabeth Warren expressed the same thoughts and it seems that even founding father Thomas Paine stated that idea in a pamphlet published in 1795.

As a reminder here is what President Obama actually said on July 13th:

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So, Where Did All The Obama Stimulus Money Go?

screencap from Mitt Romney's False Ad
Mitt Romney’s False Ad

Living in Ohio I have been exposed to an avalanche of political advertisements so far this election season. A majority of them are negative, play loose with the facts, and are from 3rd parties who hide where their money comes from. All of those elements, to me are un-American. What really pisses me off is when an ad is actually a lie. What makes me even more mad is when that false ad was put out even after the facts were known. Mitt Romney released such an ad with the tagline of “Where did all the Obama stimulus money go?” Now because my local journalists seem to refuse to fact check this false ad I’ll have to do it here.

The ad starts:

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