Of Gaffes And False Equivalencies

image of Mitt Romney Grimacing

I’m sure everyone has seen the video of Mitt Romney talking about never getting the vote of the so-called 47% of Americans who pay no income taxes and who will vote for the President to keep the checks coming. My amusement came from the fact that what he said is how people like Romney actually feel about the rest of us regular people. Some have called it a gaffe and then Republicans trot out gaffes said by President Obama at different times as if it’s the same thing as what Romney did. It’s a false equivalency, the Republican whine shows they are missing the forest for the trees.

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Are Voter Registration Purges Coming To Ohio?

image of Your Vote Counts - Maybe button

There have been recent stories of voter registration purges in Texas and Florida. A story appearing in the pro-Kasich newspaper The Columbus Dispatch may suggest that an attempt will be made in Ohio to purge voter rolls. Anyone who cares about their Constitutional rights should be very wary to hear that Ohio wants to remove valid voter registrations from the rolls.

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New Romney Ad Claims Ohio Doing Poorly But Don’t Tell Governor Kasich

image of Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney: Don’t look behind the curtain!

Now that the party conventions are over, the meat of the 2012 US Presidential campaign gets underway. Non-stop campaign stops in battle ground states and wall-to-wall advertisements on TV and radio. Except this week here in Ohio. Ads from the Romney campaign have been few and far between. Since the Democratic Convention ended I’ve seen one ad from a pro-Romney super pac and one Romney ad. Picking up where the GOP left off during their convention, the new Romney ad is less than truthful and contradicts Ohio’s Republican Governor John Kasich.

Text used in the new Romney ad titled “A Better Future: Ohio – Manufacturing”:

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Presidential Wonder Twins Make Case For Obama Reelection

screencap of President Obama speaking at the 2012 Democratic National Convention
President Obama speaking at the 2012 Democratic National Convention

One glaring omission from the Republican National Convention was that President George W. Bush and most of his cabinet were missing in action. The Democrats had no such issue with their past office holder. On Wednesday President Clinton blasted the GOP in a tour de force speech that like the Clinton of old lasted way past the allotted time but he said so much. Elizabeth Warren also had a kick ass speech and then on Thursday night President Obama sealed the deal for his reelection with a great speech of his own.

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