Taking A Time-Out On Politics

screencap of guy crying

I fully expected Hillary Clinton to eek out a slim victory in the election and I would spend this time talking about reforming the system so we can expect better candidates in the future. Donald Trump blew that out of the water by winning in an upset. I’ve decided to continue to call for reform but this will be my last political blog post for awhile. I need a break.

I plan to stick with church and state issues for now but I won’t be posting about anything concerning national politics after today. My head hurts.

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5 Reasons Most Conservatives Are Terrible At Politics

image of a crowd of angry conservatives

This election is unlike ones I’ve experienced in my lifetime and some pundits claim it is the most off-the-wall campaign they’ve seen. All I know is that each election helps show how terrible conservatives are at politics.

I have a conservative friend who I’ve known since High School. He is a smart guy and successful in his area of employment but he’s terrible at politics. Like most conservatives he hates Hillary Clinton with a passion and like most conservatives he repeats every bad argument he’s read or heard to confirm his hate.

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Ignorance Will Kill Democracy

Portrait of Former Supreme Court Justice David Souter
Former Supreme Court Justice David Souter

Former Supreme Court Justice David Souter pointed out the problem with civic ignorance and the rise of someone like Donald Trump who claims he alone can fix what’s wrong in the country. Souter mentioned this issue in 2012.

Civic ignorance is a public not knowing how government works. This happens by public schools cutting civics classes and others not being interested in politics.

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Richard Carrier Ironically Sues A Woman To Silence Her

image of Dr. Richard Carrier speaking
Dr. Richard Carrier

Dr. Richard Carrier, an atheist known on the chicken dinner circuit and professor of Ancient History, who helped get the social justice group Atheism+ started several years ago, now ironically finds himself on ‘the other side’ of the fence, as it were, by suing several people and blogs in the freethought community, including a woman who went public with a claim of sexual harassment, for $2 million.

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Ohio GOP Ad For Rob Portman Lies About Planned Parenthood

Logo for Ohio GOP

A campaign advert, sent by the Ohio GOP, I got in the mail the other day attempts to paint Rob Portman’s challenger, Ted Strickland, as a flip-flopper on abortion. In the text of the ad it claims Planned Parenthood, which Strickland supports, is the subject of a public debate concerning ‘taxpayer funded’ abortions. The fact is that claim is a lie.

Here is an image of the mailer I got and below it is a blow-up of the part that is a lie:

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