I’m Sorry But I Can’t Really Know How You Feel

image of a lit candle

Watching the TV coverage of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting this weekend, or rather trying to avoid it, I was concerned about the incident and feel sad for the families and friends of the ones who were murdered, However I can’t really know how they feel and I don’t want to. Some of the media coverage just seems too creepy for words and I wonder if I should feel bad for not feeling worse. How many more innocent people need to die to change our gun culture?

I remember how I felt after seeing the 2nd plane hit the World Trade Center on 9/11 and I feel the same way after the Sandy Hook killings. I’m in funk but because the people who were murdered in Connecticut were not my family or friends, I don’t have a right to grieve. That’s for the friends and family of the victims.

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Isn’t It Great, People Who Get Free Health Care Want To Cut Yours

offical image of Sen. Lindsey Graham
December douchebag Sen. Lindsey Graham (R)

The Congress, led by the Republicans, where members get free healthcare and a tax payer funded pension, are insisting that Social Security and Medicare must be cut to get a budget deal to prevent a fall off the fake fiscal cliff. Isn’t it great that people who don’t need a social safety net want to cut and gut it for those who do? Isn’t that what America is all about?

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Dictionary Battles Are So Much Fun

a book with the title of Dictionary

One aspect of the current fake fiscal cliff argument and one that has existed since the 2012 elections (and I would say long before that) is the need of the GOP to want to cut “entitlement” programs. How they frame that argument points to how dishonest Republicans can be in budget battles. It is all about the window dressing and nothing about the contents.

During the current debate about the fake fiscal cliff, one of the issues we have been hearing about “entitlement reform” which include any government program for the poor, seniors, and the disabled.

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Be Thankful You Have A Job And Other Corporatist Hogwash

image showing A Walmart protest in Maryland in 2012

There was an organized protest of Walmart employees timed for the largest shopping day known as Black Friday. Some cheap labor Republicans complained about the protests saying it was an attack on job creators by Unions. One of my conservative friends said that people should be thankful to have a job. When I hear that excuse for poor treatment of workers it makes me mad. Walmart is one of the worse offenders and if we didn’t have laws against sweat shops they would probably do that too.

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