‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ Is Not A Christmas Song And Should Be Banned

screencap from video of Baby It's Cold Outside
Adding a Christmas tree still doesn’t make it a Christmas song

‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’, written by Frank Loesser in 1944, is suppose to be a Christmas song with lyrics one couldn’t really make into a song today unless it was a rap song. People lost their minds, as social media outrage can happen, when a few radio stations removed the song from their Christmas play lists. The song isn’t even a Christmas song so the questionable lyrics is just another reason to remove it from the radio during the holiday season.

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Ohio Democrats Need To Start Over

logo of Ohio Democratic Party

All of the state office jobs were open in this election on November 6th. Some Republicans currently in office were changing offices and the Democrats seemed to work hard in their campaigns. But in the end the GOP retained all the top offices in Ohio. If you can’t even win one state office with such a toxic person like Trump as President and a GOP who are just lap dogs to the guy not to mention corrupt in the Ohio Statehouse, then Democrats need to nuke their place and start over from scratch.

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You Should Ask Before Helping Someone Who Is Struggling

picture of couple who helped homeless man by raising $400,000

A New Jersey couple who raised $400,000 to help a homeless man who helped the girlfriend when she ran out of gas was ordered to give the rest of the money to the man. Homelessness isn’t always about lack of money. Some homeless people have deeper issues that a GoFundMe drive can’t help. Think twice before projecting your own biased ideas on others without asking.

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Rep. Jim Jordan’s Denials Abuse The Victims Again

Jim Jordan
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)

In previous posts, I’ve written about Rep. Jim Jordan, the so-called founder of the US House ‘Freedom’ Caucus. He is a terrible human being and when his name got involved in an investigation of alleged sexual abuse at Ohio State, Jordan proved once again I was right about him.

Some background. After the trial and conviction of Larry Nasser in Michigan, Ohio State learned it had a Nasser problem too. Dr. Richard Strauss, who died in 2005, was accused of molesting what could be thousands of students and athletes between the late 70s and 1998 when he retired from the school. The school is investigating.

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This Memorial Day, The Story About My Dad’s Death In Vietnam Gained A New Chapter

Marine portrait of Michael John Kelly
PFC Michael John Kelly (1948-1968)

Memorial Day is for remembering those who served who didn’t make it back home alive. We honor their sacrifice.

Millions of people have just as many stories about their lost loved ones. For years I believed one story about what happened when my father was killed. Only recently I found out what I knew wasn’t the whole story.

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