Former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland speaking at 2012 Democratic National Convention
Although I am not watching the Democratic National Convention live this week I did check out the Tuesday night speech by former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland. I was impressed. Early speculation was he would attack current Ohio Governor John Kasich since he had spoken the first night of the Republican convention. Instead Strickland brought up one line of attack on Romney that I would like to see more of – attacking Romney’s patriotism because he has his money outside of the country.
Mitt Romney has so little economic patriotism that even his money needs a passport. It summers on the beaches of the Cayman Islands and winters on the slopes of the Swiss Alps. In Matthew, chapter 6, verse 21, the scriptures teach us that where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. My friends, any man who aspires to be our president should keep both his treasure and his heart in the United States of America. And it’s well past time for Mitt Romney to come clean with the American people.
Ted is right. The GOP’s main attack on the President is to paint him as un-American or “The other”. For example was this tweet from Amy Kremer of the Tea Party Express:
Mitt Romney doesn’t show much love for America by having the bulk of his massive fortune outside the country. Allowing workers to lose their jobs for the sake of profit, as Mitt has done over and over again, shows a lack of love for fellow human beings – but President Obama is the one who doesn’t love his country??
The other good part about Strickland’s speech is unlike those on the GOP side – like Gov. Christie of New Jersey – the speech was about President Obama not Strickland or setting himself up for office in the future.
Strickland gave an excellent case for re-electing the President in November.
Here is the video of the full speech:
Former Gov. Ted Strickland: President Obama ‘Betting on the American Worker’