I have one message to Joe, Sean, Pat, Nora, Soledad, Chris, Campbell, Wolf, and the other “commentators” covering the Democratic convention:

Please, stop hurting the country with your concern troll, faux “objective” analysis of the speeches and events at the convention. We don’t care what YOU think or care what you want us to think. We KNOW what the GOP thinks, we don’t need to see them on the air repeating the talking points, in fact we don’t need YOU repeating the GOP talking points.
Here is how basic journalism at a political convention is suppose to work (if you need help call Walter Cronkite):
1. Show the speech without comments.
2. After the speech, talk about the points made – are they based in reality – are they truthful. If a speaker comments about the opponent then talk about it and compare it on the known facts. Don’t put words in the speaker’s mouth or speculate why something was said – stick to what was said.
3. If you didn’t like a speech then say why based on objective rational reasons – not talking points from the other party.
4. Talk to actual people attending the convention to find out how the different speeches played out. The speeches aren’t for YOU. They are for those spending the week at the convention.
If you feel like I do, that the “commentors” plain suck, then watch the convention unfiltered and uninterrupted on C-SPAN.
*Update* Exceptions to this request include Rachel Maddow, Chuck Todd, and some of Keith Olberman (he can get close to gimble lock at times). Also PBS is good viewing and the Daily Show and Colbert Report have done a good job so far…..