Ellen DeGeneres is in a dog fight

Sometimes one has to take a break and look at something that looks sad and funny at the same time.

Recently talk show host Ellen DeGeneres and her partner Portia de Rossi adopted a small dog from the animal rescue organization “Mutts and Moms”.

It seems that the dog didn’t get along with Ellen and Portia’s cats so Ellen gave the dog to her hairstylist. When “Mutts and Moms” stopped by to check on the dog and found out that DeGeneres gave the dog away, they went to the hairstylist and took the dog back. They claim that DeGeneres violated the terms of the adoption when she didn’t tell them she had given the dog away.

Yes, an animal rescue group took back an adopted dog because they weren’t consulted when it was given to another family.

Ellen used her show to talk about the issue and ask that the dog be given back to the family.

As if in a political fight “Mutts and Moms” fired back:

Mutts and Moms owners Marina Batkis and Vanessa Chekroun were in possession of the dog and will not be giving it back, attorney Keith A. Fink told The Associated Press.

“She (Marina) is not going to give them the dog,” said Fink, who is not legally representing the owners but is authorized to speak on their behalf.

“She doesn’t think this is the type of family that should have the dog. She is adamant that she is not going to be bullied around by the Ellen DeGenereses of the world … They are using their power, position and wealth to try to get what it is they want.”

“If you adopt a dog and you no longer want the dog, you can’t unilaterally decide who you want to give the dog to,” he said. “She’s trying to tell a story to make herself look good.”

Agency wants to keep DeGeneres’ dog


I hadn’t realized that adopting out animals had become as complicated as adopting children. I commend “Mutts and Moms” for wanting quality homes for the animals they place but they seemed to go over the line by taking back the dog then throwing a fit about it.

It isn’t like Ellen put the dog in a bag and dumped it along a road some where.

I think “Mutts and Moms” need a little perspective.