Goodbye Sports Arena

The Toledo Blade had an article today giving an obituary for the Sports Arena.

Toledo is going to build a new 8,000 seat arena downtown and the owners of the Sports Arena sold it to the city and it is due to be torn down in the next few months.

Built is 1947, it was already old when I got to see my first concert ever in the mid 80’s. My friend talked me into going to the concert by Brian Adams since I had use of a car and he didn’t. The problem was my Mom refused to let me go. She didn’t want me driving the 40 miles to Toledo.

Like any teen, I didn’t take no for answer. I fed her a story that I couldn’t go anyway because I had to work that night. In reality I got the night off. My friend had real religious parents so he also got the night off work but told them he had to work late.

We stopped at the rest stop outside of Bowling Green to change to regular clothes and arrived at the arena shortly before the concert. The parking lot was full so we found a spot at a nearby school and practically ran to get to the place. We got inside as the opening act Survivor was on stage.

This was my first concert so I assumed we had seats on the floor. I found out that we were on the floor but there were no seats. We stood in the back for the entire show.

I had a good time, even after just being missed being hit but a pop thrown from someone who actually had a seat in the stands.

The one other time I remember going to the Sports Arena was for a circus when I was a boy. All I remember was the animal smell mixed in with the smell of straw. It was a fun time.

The Blade has an excellent series of articles from people who also attended events at the arena. Give it a read:

Only memories remain for once-bustling arena