No, I don’t listen to Glenn Beck

I discovered that this site was mentioned on the listener forum for conservative radio host Glenn Beck. So I checked it out.

To answer some of the questions posed by the readers there:

1. No, I don’t listen to Glenn Beck. I like thinking for myself and I don’t need to hear people parrot my views back to me. In fact I don’t listen to talk radio in general. I find 99% of it unbalanced in views and topics presented. I did once use to watch Rush Limbaugh on TV during his brief stint on TV (before the drugs). But mostly such people just make me angry and there is more to life than being angry all the time. Since I know shows like Beck’s will make me angry – and I will never be able to respond – I choose to not listen to them. Mainstream media does a great job of reporting what those hosts say so I know when Glenn is mad and what he is mad about – at least I don’t have to hear him talk about it.

2. I am not a “flaming” liberal. I do move left on social issues – like privacy and church and State separation – but you’d be surprised that I support capitalism as it is intended. I don’t support what passes for business ethics today but I want to see people be able to make money off their own labor – both business owners and workers. I also supported the Welfare Reform Act in 1996 even though it didn’t provide job training. A change was needed and that might shock some since a couple of times growing up our family was on welfare.

3. I didn’t finish college. That is true. I also think I am intelligent. Having a college degree doesn’t make one intelligent. I also have common sense and I use Carl Sagan’s Baloney Detector quite often. I left Ohio State with Senior status and 54 credits short of degree. I left for a couple of reasons – Ronald Reagan’s need to force me to take out massive student loans instead of increasing Pell Grants. I was also just tired and bored having entered college right from high school.

4. As for being an ass or looking down on those who don’t vote “liberal”, how one votes is up to them. What bothers me is some ignore the facts and only vote for superficial reasons like knowing the name of the person or just because they are from one particular party. Uninformed voters bother me. I am sorry if some think I come off as an ass. I have things to say and I want to be as truthful as possible – sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth. That isn’t my problem.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask and thanks for visiting.

2 Replies to “No, I don’t listen to Glenn Beck”

  1. Hi Doug. I found your site thanks to a post at the Glenn Beck forum. I thought I'd try to engage in some thoughtful discussion far above the fray of the hateful whining that usually takes place on blogs of political orientation. I hope you find my comments worthy of posting and discussion. I'm NOT a neo-con or flaming-lib. I think I represent the large bulge in the middle of the bell curve… those of us without legitimate political representation. I voted for Clinton both times, and I voted for Bush both times. Call me schizophrenic, but at each stage of my life the votes made sense. I truly regret my second vote for Bush, and I wish he were impeached for his failures. Now to my comments.

    1. No, I don't listen to Glenn Beck. I like thinking for myself and I don't need to hear people parrot my views back to me.

    That's a little condescending, don't you think? Not all people that listen to Beck, or any other talk show, are simply listening for parrots. I listen to Beck for coverage of topics that most media outlets refuse to cover. Like you, I can think on my own. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I disagree. However, Beck shares the same sentiments as I do on my most important issues.

    In fact I don't listen to talk radio in general. I find 99% of it unbalanced in views and topics presented. I did once use to watch Rush Limbaugh on TV during his brief stint on TV (before the drugs).

    Sagan Rule Violation: No need for the ad hominem there… 😉 I think Rush has lost his edge… I never could stand listening to him though. He is such a Republican homer, he doesn't seem fair & balanced to me.

    But mostly such people just make me angry and there is more to life than being angry all the time. Since I know shows like Beck's will make me angry – and I will never be able to respond – I choose to not listen to them.

    I totally understand that. I usually have to take breaks from listening because I get so frustrated. Not at the host, but at the failure of much of our government. You can CERTAINLY respond to the hosts though. I've made it on the air more than once with Beck, as well as Laurah Ingraham and Bill Bennett. I don't have any liberal shows to listen to where I live, but I'd be calling them if I could to.

    Mainstream media does a great job of reporting what those hosts say so I know when Glenn is mad and what he is mad about – at least I don't have to hear him talk about it.

    I have to disagree on this one. Mainstream media (I'm assuming you mean the major networks and newspapers) are largely biased toward the left. They cover whatever gets ratings, they are not unbiased. It's not necessarily a political thing, it's supply/demand and capitalism.

    2. I am not a "flaming" liberal. I do move left on social issues – like privacy and church and State separation – but you'd be surprised that I support capitalism as it is intended. I don't support what passes for business ethics today but I want to see people be able to make money off their own labor – both business owners and workers. I also supported the Welfare Reform Act in 1996 even though it didn't provide job training. A change was needed and that might shock some since a couple of times growing up our family was on welfare.

    Business ethics? Do they still exist? 😉 Change is definitely needed re: welfare. I was on it once as an adult, but I used it as it was intended — a temporary program to help me get back on my feet. Unfortunately to many people use it as a lifestyle, not a temporary solution.

    3. I didn't finish college. That is true. I also think I am intelligent. Having a college degree doesn't make one intelligent. I also have common sense and I use Carl Sagan's Baloney Detector quite often. I left Ohio State with Senior status and 54 credits short of degree. I left for a couple of reasons – Ronald Reagan's need to force me to take out massive student loans instead of increasing Pell Grants. I was also just tired and bored having entered college right from high school.

    I have two degrees. However, I think college is over-rated. The main benefit is the social networking that can be done. These are the people that may help you find jobs later in life. The 'education' provided is laughable at times. Specialized skill degrees are fine, but most degrees are just time wasters. Call it club-med on your parents' tab. And man, do I understand the loan thing. I'm still $30k in the hole thanks to the fact that I didn't make enough to be able to afford it on my own, but I made too much to get a Pell.

    4. As for being an ass or looking down on those who don't vote "liberal", how one votes is up to them. What bothers me is some ignore the facts and only vote for superficial reasons like knowing the name of the person or just because they are from one particular party. Uninformed voters bother me. I am sorry if some think I come off as an ass. I have things to say and I want to be as truthful as possible – sometimes people don't want to hear the truth. That isn't my problem.

    People on both sides of the political spectrum suffer from superficial/emotional attachment to issues. Far too few people actually research facts, and even fewer are open to even considering an opposing viewpoint. There are some real winners at Media Matters… no matter what the topic you can almost predict with good accuract what some of the regulars will say. I just wish people would consider the other side once in a while. Clinton did it, he was called a waffler. I think it's mature to be willing to change your stance on issues, as long as the change is based on facts, not emotion or greed.

    If you have any more questions feel free to ask and thanks for visiting.

    Done. I hope I haven't wasted your time. Thanks for sharing your opinions.

  2. I think you would be surprised on what you might agree with Glenn on. He is a proud independent (read: not republican, in fact, he reguarly encourages republicans to leave their party). He frequently disagrees with Bush's policies, including the borders. His show slants more to "entertainment" than policitcs.

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