Prototypes are cool, baby….

While reading the October issue of Playboy Magazine (yes, I was reading it…), they gave review and short clip of the new album by the French band Prototypes. It blew me away.

Prototypes throw out a great mash-up of punk, new wave, and pop music. Since I don’t speak a word of French I have no idea what the lyrics are, but the music is kick ass.

My favorite song right now is “Je Ne Te Connais Pas”. said:

‘Je Ne Te Connais Pas,’ is almost perfect with wheezy organ, fuzz bass, handclaps, tambourine, and shouted yeah-yeah background vocals, all whipped into a frothy blend that sounds like 21st century ye-ye mixed with what you wish teen pop sounded like.


The album is available on iTunes and

See also:
