Thoughts on the Findlay Mayoral Forum

I posted on 10/24 about the recent Findlay Mayoral Forum that was held at University of Findlay on 10/22. It was broadcast on WFIN, WLFC, and UF-TV 20. At the time of my post I had not had a chance to see or hear the event and said I would get back to you. Well, I’m back.

General thoughts: I did find more to the event than what was printed about it the Courier. Both candidates, Democrat Tom Knopf and Republican Pete Sehnert did a good job of presenting their ideas in front of the glare of television lights and cameras. Although it wasn’t a debate, I thought Knopf did a better job. When he answered the questions he gave specific examples to back up is overall idea.

I also need to correct my initial thought that I posted earlier:

I was a bit disappointed – based on the The Courier write up of the event – to read that Knopf wasn’t sure if more low cost housing was needed in the city.

Tom sent me a comment telling me to see the forum so I could see he hadn’t changed his position. He was right. He was the only one who had specific idea for the issue of low cost housing.

Knopf said he would like to see:

…more true actual low cost housing that will benefit those who aren’t able to pay 4, 5 , or $600 for a small 2 bedroom apartment.

Sehnert was the one who really didn’t seem to know if low cost housing was an issue or not. He explained that there was a lot of housing available and a lot of apartment stock. He didn’t address the issue of affordability directly.

I also liked Knopf directly saying that the Findlay Town Center project shouldn’t go forward unless and until the flooding issue is resolved first. He also wanted to see the empty store fronts downtown filled in and other non-flood plain areas considered for development before committing $90 million dollars on more retail space.

Flag City Politico has video segments posted of the entire forum. WFIN has audio of the forum available as well.

Pete Sehnert’s website

Tom Knopf’s website

Don’t forget to vote on November 6th