The DNC Is Evil But Bernie Has A Problem With Votes Not A Conspiracy

Bernie campaigning

After Super Tuesday, my Facebook and Twitter feed was a cacophony of gnashing teeth and abject depression. Most of the people in my feeds support Bernie Sanders and he got pummeled on Tuesday by Joe Biden. Most of the complaints began and ended with the Democratic National Committee putting a thumb on the scale and that they never liked him. The DNC is evil but Bernie’s performance at the polls on Tuesday was the old school lack of votes.

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You Can’t Claim To Be A Middle Aged White Person And Not Know There Is Racism

sign at a racism protest

This month I attended a secular conference. While I enjoyed myself, learned some new things, and met some new people, one conference speaker almost spoiled the whole thing for me.

This conference was right in my wheel house. It focused on being a secular person and on social justice. It definitely had a liberal bent which I rarely have a problem with.

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Huffman Falsely Believes People On Medicaid Are Faking It

Senator Matt Huffman

Ohio State Senator Matt Huffman is a cheap labor conservative. Like other cheap labor conservatives, he believes people using public assistance should instead be working. Huffman has introduced a bill that would require able bodied people on Medicaid from 18 to 65 to work 20 hours a week or lose benefits. His plan would not do what he thinks it will and would be a huge gift for employers who like cheap labor.

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Duverger’s Law Is Why Voting For Dr. Jill Stein Will Never Change Things

Dr. Jill Stein – Green Party Candidate in 2016

When arguing with friends why they shouldn’t support 3rd party candidates in the national elections, I never had any solid evidence why it would never work. They made good points about principles and needing to ‘send a message’ but Duverger’s Law is concrete proof that voting 3rd party, in our current election system, is plain dumb and helps give us elected people like Donald Trump.

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