Kasich Campaign Ad Tries To Make You Forget Anti-Union Law He Supported

screencap of Lieutenant Steve - brainwashed police officer
Lieutenant Steve – brainwashed police officer

Governor Kasich has been batting a thousand for ridiculous campaign ads so far this election season. My current favorite is titled ‘He Listened’ where a police officer brushes aside Kasich’s support of the anti-union SB5 in 2011 to flog tax cuts that don’t even benefit the officer. Talk about brainwashing. Kasich is tough!

I liked his ad that pretty much claimed his parents died so he could be governor but the newest one, fronted by a police officer, is my new favorite.

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There Is More To The ‘Unions Hate Obamacare’ Than You’ll See On FOX ‘News’

logo for the AFL-CIO

My conservative friends, on Facebook, love posting articles mentioning how much labor unions HATE Obamacare as if that is enough to demand it be repealed. Some Unions did send a letter asking for an exemption to the Affordable Care Act. Friday the White House announced it had denied the request. There is more to the story than you will see on Fox ‘News’ or read in the Wall Street Journal.

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Moving The Goal Posts Of Corporatism

photo of a call center

This week would’ve been my 10th anniversary working for a large health care concern as a call center representative. I probably would still be there had it not been for the common corporate practice of weeding out the high wage workers so that lower paid workers can take their place. I’m sure you think this is just sour grapes, people get fired all the time. The point of this post is to rant about the practice of weeding out good workers just because they make high wages.

Back in 2003, I learned there was an opening at a major health care company. I applied to be a security guard and as a lark I applied to be a Customer Service Representative (CSR). I ended up getting the CSR job and 10 years ago this week started my training class.

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Be Thankful You Have A Job And Other Corporatist Hogwash

image showing A Walmart protest in Maryland in 2012

There was an organized protest of Walmart employees timed for the largest shopping day known as Black Friday. Some cheap labor Republicans complained about the protests saying it was an attack on job creators by Unions. One of my conservative friends said that people should be thankful to have a job. When I hear that excuse for poor treatment of workers it makes me mad. Walmart is one of the worse offenders and if we didn’t have laws against sweat shops they would probably do that too.

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