Speaker Boehner Demands President Help Pass Phantom Job Bills Stuck In Senate

image of  Speaker Boehner crying
image of Speaker Boehner's 10-27-2011 tweet

On Thursday US House Speaker John Boehner stood before reporters and, in an attempt to deflect growing pressure on his party’s obstruction of President Obama’s jobs plan, demanded the President help pass 15 so-called Jobs bills passed in the House and stuck in the Senate. The bills that Boehner defines as “job bills” have nothing to do with actual jobs. The bills only help the 1% by gutting EPA rules and allowing more environmentally suspect oil drilling.

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Sign From Cheap Labor Conservative Doesn’t Add Up

A friend shared the image below and it caused me to question the authenticity. The text in the image claims it was written by a college senior who will graduate this year with no debt, has no electronics like an iPad or smartphone, and only works 30 hours a week on barely above minimum wage. Maths is not a good subject for the cheap labor conservatives and their arrogance is one of the reasons the “occupy wall street” movement started.

One of the side stories of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement are the story signs. People hold up signs with their personal stories about how they have been negatively impacted by the corporatism pervasive in our government. Some cheap labor conservatives co-opted that expression and use images of story signs to forward their wrong ideas about “Occupy Wall Street” and the people protesting.

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It’s Great When Republicans Aren’t Subtle About Their Intentions

image of Rep Steve Stivers' Facebook post

One good thing about the current douchebaggery from the cheap labor conservative Republicans, in the Congress, is they have stopped using Congress speak to mask their true intentions. Ohio Rep Steve Stivers (R-15) posted a note on his Facebook page tonight that is pretty honest about his stance on the current jobs crisis. He plans to do nothing.

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