Ohio GOP will lie to keep from having to admit they were wrong on SB-5

We Are Ohio No on Issue 2

If you see a report on the news of Governor Kasich sitting in almost empty room complaining and blustering about the Unions not showing up to work out a compromise to get state issue 2 off the ballot – it was all great theater – a lie but great theater. He refused to talk back in February when SB-5 was forced through. Contrary to his bluster it looks like the Republicans are divided not the unions.

Here is a clip from the Capital Blog of the Kasich photo-op Friday (8/19/11):

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Plunderbund catches Columbus Dispatch trying to make a deal for the GOP about SB-5

Columbus Dispatch HQ in downtown Columbus

The great Ohio political blog Plunderbund had a great post about some stories appearing in the Columbus Dispatch recently calling for a compromise between the state GOP and labor unions in order to remove Issue 2 from the ballot. Issue 2 is the referendum over Senate Bill 5 that stripped collective bargaining from public employees. It turns out that the Dispatch was closer to the issue than they let on.

Continue reading “Plunderbund catches Columbus Dispatch trying to make a deal for the GOP about SB-5”