‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’ Is Not A Christmas Song And Should Be Banned

screencap from video of Baby It's Cold Outside
Adding a Christmas tree still doesn’t make it a Christmas song

‘Baby, It’s Cold Outside’, written by Frank Loesser in 1944, is suppose to be a Christmas song with lyrics one couldn’t really make into a song today unless it was a rap song. People lost their minds, as social media outrage can happen, when a few radio stations removed the song from their Christmas play lists. The song isn’t even a Christmas song so the questionable lyrics is just another reason to remove it from the radio during the holiday season.

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Sorry Not Sorry Famous Men Got Fired For Being A-holes Toward Women

Collage of men accused of harassment with words Sorry Not Sorry on it

The most recent famous men caught up in the acrimony over the long history of sexual assaults and harassment against women include Garrison Keillor and Matt Lauer. Like previous men called out, they lost their jobs. That’s how it should be. For those complaining about due process and false accusations, there has been many YEARS of talking about this and telling men to stop being assholes, so I have NO sympathy for men called out today. Why can’t they keep their hands to themselves?

Don’t get me wrong, I was shocked with some of them – like Charlie Rose, but by and large these men had a reputation behind the scenes that was covered up because they were powerful and/or had the money to pay off accusers.

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Presenting Milo Yiannopoulos As A No-Talent Clown Doesn’t Work If You Don’t Actually Do It

screencap of Bill Maher and Milo Yiannopoulos on 'Real Time' 02/17/2017
Bill Maher and Milo Yiannopoulos on ‘Real Time’ 02/17/2017

Milo Yiannopoulos is an Internet troll who gained ‘fame’ for being a gay Howard Stern. He has many fascist fan boys and men’s rights cry babies in a swoon because he says nasty things about minorities. He has had several appearances at colleges shut down due to protests or security fears. Milo Yiannopoulos is a no-talent clown but to tell liberals to not worry doesn’t work since another no-talent clown was put in the White House.

Yiannopoulos had the biggest stage of his short career when he was booked as a guest on “Real Time with Bill Maher” on Friday night. Maher doesn’t like it when liberals refuse to give a platform to trolls like Yiannopoulos. Maher claims to support free speech.

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Viral Rant Highlights The Need To Speak Up When Confronted With Racism

Screencap from racist rant video
Screencap from racist rant video

Millions have seen the viral video of a white woman’s racist rant toward two Latina women at a Kentucky store. During the whole video, I didn’t once hear or see anyone in the crowd telling the woman to stop her rant. It actually bothered me just as much as the actual racism because when we let the racism happen without interfering then we seem to be enabling the racism and inviting more of it in the future.

I won’t post the video but you can go to the NBC News website for their story and they include a segment of the video.

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Richard Carrier Ironically Sues A Woman To Silence Her

image of Dr. Richard Carrier speaking
Dr. Richard Carrier

Dr. Richard Carrier, an atheist known on the chicken dinner circuit and professor of Ancient History, who helped get the social justice group Atheism+ started several years ago, now ironically finds himself on ‘the other side’ of the fence, as it were, by suing several people and blogs in the freethought community, including a woman who went public with a claim of sexual harassment, for $2 million.

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