State Rep. Robert Sprague Tries To Use Ohio Budget To Stick It To Recovering Drug Addicts

offical photo of State Rep. Robert Sprague, R-Findlay
State Rep. Robert Sprague, R-Findlay

State Rep. Robert Sprague, R-Findlay, is using the typical Ohio GOP trick of adding terrible legislation to the state budget so the nasty part can’t be repealed through a referendum. The terrible law he doesn’t want to expose to the ballot box? Extra rules on the placement of community drug addiction recovery homes. Which is ironic because addressing drug abuse is one of Sprague’s causes he trumpets in his press releases and through normally introduced legislation.

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Kasich Campaign Ad Tries To Make You Forget Anti-Union Law He Supported

screencap of Lieutenant Steve - brainwashed police officer
Lieutenant Steve – brainwashed police officer

Governor Kasich has been batting a thousand for ridiculous campaign ads so far this election season. My current favorite is titled ‘He Listened’ where a police officer brushes aside Kasich’s support of the anti-union SB5 in 2011 to flog tax cuts that don’t even benefit the officer. Talk about brainwashing. Kasich is tough!

I liked his ad that pretty much claimed his parents died so he could be governor but the newest one, fronted by a police officer, is my new favorite.

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Misinformation Is Rampant In Anti-Union Camp

image of letter clipart

One of my hobbies is political debate. I would rather debate in person and I often do but I also like using ‘Letters to the Editor’ in local newspapers. Every so often I will read a letter that frankly pisses me off and I have to respond. One such letter in the Findlay Ohio Courier showed some anti-union views are based on misinformation.

The letter in question was written by a friend of mine who happens to hold a lot of cheap labor conservative views even though he is a blue collar worker. Here is the text of the letter that was published on 11/28/2011:

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One Day Until Ohio Votes No On Issue 2

image of Ohio with a vote no on 2 logo

Tuesday is election day. Ohioans will be going to the polls to hopefully overturn Senate Bill 5, the massive over reach by cheap labor conservatives to punch unions and public employees as the GOP tries to further enrich their wealthy check signers. Here are a few last minute notes to support voting NO on Issue 2.

Governor Kasich and his party have absolutely no respect for the public employees who work hard serving the state and local areas.

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Grannygate spews onto Kasich and ‘Building a Better Ohio’

Image of a No on Issue 2 logo

Building a Better Ohio, the pro Issue 2 (pro-sb5) group, released a new ad this week that shamelessly cut and pasted part of an anti-sb5 ad and it looked like the grandma in the ad supported Issue 2 even though she is actually against Issue 2. Even after 30 TV stations pulled the misleading ad, Governor Kasich and ‘Building a Better Ohio’ won’t repudiate it.

Normally campaigns will do response ads that include a sound-bite from the other side but it is obvious that it is from the opponent’s ad. ‘Better Ohio’ didn’t do that.

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