The IRS Doing Its Job And Other Drummed Up Political Outrages

created image with the word Outrage

Well the Republicans have a real “scandal” to use to make more excuses to avoid doing their own jobs. The IRS apologized for doing their job when a boatload of political groups tried to gain tax exemptions as charities to keep from having to disclose their donors. I get it, no one likes the tax man so this is an easy “outrage” to get on board. That’s why President Obama is equally “outraged”. I get a chuckle from my conservative friends who think we are entering a period similar to what lead President Nixon to resign in 1974. These fake “outrages” (IRS, Benghazi, and the AP phone records case) are no where near Watergate level. I mean if a President can start an unnecessary war in Iraq with lies and allow the economy to be trashed by the banks, then these current events are nothing in comparison.

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Jon Husted Obsesses About Election Uniformity Except For The Upcoming Primary

official image of Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted

Leading up to the 2012 General Election, Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted blathered on about how there must be election uniformity. For the Republican that meant doing his part to suppress votes for Democrats. Eventually the federal courts forced him, kicking and screaming, to stop being such a dick. This year the primary election is Tuesday May 7th. So has Husted turned over a new leaf? The Ohio political blog Plunderbund says not so much.

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Why Republicans Love State’s Rights

image of the top of the Bill of Rights document

A major Republican talking point I hear quite often is to let state’s decide some policy issues – like same-sex marriage or voting rights. The implication is clear. Republicans want states to deal with those policy issues because Republicans control more state legislatures than Democrats. It is the GOP way of subverting the Federal government when they don’t control it.

Read this post on ThinkProgress today:

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Governor Kaisch Lies About Opposing Discrimination

image of Ohio Governor John Kaisch
Ohio Governor Kaisch unhinged as usual

I just love the word gymnastics a politician attempts in order to hold one narrow position and totally ignore the larger implications of that position. Ohio Governor John Kasich said in a recent interview he opposes same sex marriage but claimed to support civil unions until it was pointed out that was an alternative to same sex marriage. He says he opposes discrimination but based on his walk back on civil unions he is a liar.

It all started as it usually does with Kasich speaking without thinking about what he’s saying:

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GOP Has No Incentive To Change The Sequester, They Got What They Wanted In 2011

image of Speaker John Boehner pointing
Speaker John Boehner: I got 98% of what I wanted… HA! HA!

Earlier on Thursday, Republicans in the Senate filibustered a bill meant to replace the “dreaded” sequester due to take effect today (March 1st). I mentioned to my friends on Facebook that I guess the The GOP didn’t want to stop the sequester. My Republican friends complained that President Obama didn’t want to end the sequester cuts either and offered an out of context video clip from 2011. The actual facts show that Republicans have no incentive to change the sequester because they got exactly what they wanted back in 2011.

Here is a clip of the article I posted on Facebook:

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