Shocker! The Poor Doesn’t Spend Public Assistance On Steak And Lobster

photo of a steak on a grill

A few state legislatures, dominated by Republicans, have not only attacked women with draconian anti-abortion laws but have also attacked poor people by trying to micro manage how they spend public assistance. The GOP has the idea that poor people are spending money on steak and lobster and other luxuries. One survey shows they are still wrong.

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Sorry GOP, Getting A Majority Of A 20% Voter Turnout Is NOT A Mandate

image of the new GOP logo

Boy the midterm elections held yesterday was a kick in the gut for Democrats. The party failed to get their voters to the polls. Running away from your accomplishments will do that. So why did they run away? It was combination of corporate money, a biased media, and organizational incompetence. I’m sure glad I am not a Democrat but it pisses me off they blew this election.

As one comedian put it:

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Findlay City Council Takes Its Money And Goes Home

seal of the City of Findlay

I got a huge chuckle out of the recent arguments on Findlay City Council over Bed Tax give aways to a certain non-profit group and not to others who asked. It gives an air of impropriety to the actions of an elected body especially when the people argue for an action that will benefit their friends.

A Bed Tax is collected from users of hotels and motels and is shared by the city of Findlay and Hancock county. Last year it amounted to about $510,000.

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Governor Kasich Believes 1st Graders Need To Work And Believe In God

Governor John Kaisch
Kaisch: And there will be no more story time for 1st graders!

Ohio Governor John Kaisch made a couple of campaign appearances in Northwest Ohio on Thursday. In Bowling Green, he said he wanted to literally reform the hell out of education while making sure five year olds were ready to get jobs. Once again Kaisch will say anything to get elected.

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Before Obamacare The Health Care System Worked?

good oral health is important

One of the old tropes used by the GOP and their complaint corporate media drones is that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will ‘destroy’ a health care system that we were told wasn’t that bad. Opponents to the ACA want us to forget why the ACA was proposed and passed in 2010. Even with the ACA taking full effect there are still examples where the health care system needs further reform for the poor due to lack of funding, red tape, and yes even high costs. Bob’s story shows why this particular conservative argument against the ACA is full of crap.

Watching someone without dental insurance trying to get emergency care is exactly what it was like for all people without health care insurance before the ACA.

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