Republican Convention Theme: We Lie!

image of bad headline in USA Today
*Ouch* Romney/Ryan We Deserve Better

The Republican National Convention was held this week and although I didn’t watch it live, I did read the speeches and reactions to them and one thing jumped out at me. Republicans were serial liars. These weren’t just political misstatements or hyperbole but out right LIES. What does it say about our political system when people don’t seem to be concerned that serial liars want to be in charge of our government?

Paul Ryan told some whoppers:

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Why I Won’t Be Watching The US Political Conventions This Year

image of 2012 Political Convention Logos

Monday August 27th starts the US Political silly season with the Republican National Convention in Tampa, FL followed on September 3rd with the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC. I will be barely paying attention to them as to me they are nothing but an expensive pep rally before the final three months of the campaign. Conventions lost their usefulness years ago and the only solace I have is the broadcast networks won’t be having gavel-to-gavel coverage. I’ve got better things to do.

I rarely agree with David Frum but on this issue I do:

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