Reddit user Dargo200 compiled an image showing specific examples of bad things done in the name of religion in 2015. From Female Genital Mutilation to beating someone to death because people thought they were eating beef, there were a lot of bad things done last year. This just shows that the typical western liberal religious view of religion is the exception and not the rule.
Letter To The Editor Is A Teachable Moment For Religious Freedom

On Christmas Eve, a letter to the editor in the Coloradoan newspaper caught my eye. Titled ‘Democrats force secular-humanist views’ kind of gave away the view point of the letter writer. The letter gives a good example of faulty irrational thinking and is a good opportunity to show how one can debunk such thinking.
Here is the letter that was published on 12/24 (emphasis is mine):
Religious Privilege Has Arrived In The NFL

Kansas City Chiefs safety Husain Abdullah was penalized for praying
On Monday night, Kansas City Chiefs safety Husain Abdullah intercepted a Tom Brady pass and returned it for a touchdown. He decided to celebrate the big play and knelt to the ground in the endzone to pray. He was penalized according to the rulebook but the next day the NFL said it goofed. Now there is one set of rules for religious players and another set for those who don’t wear their religion on their sleeves. Religious privilege has arrived in the NFL.
Candidates For Ohio Governor Have Different Ideas On The Place Of Religion In Public Policy

Ohio Governor John Kasich and his Democratic challenger Ed FitzGerald
It’s common knowledge that Governor John Kasich wears his religious beliefs like a suit and inserts them into his speeches and remarks when he can. Democrat challenger Ed FitzGerald rarely talks about his faith because he feels religion is a private matter. Contrary to the ‘no religious test’ words in the US Constitution, the Columbus Dispatch ran an article about the public religiousness of each man.
Unvaccinated Children Should Have To Register Like Sex Offenders

There is an outbreak of Mumps in Franklin county. Even though it isn’t known what led to the outbreak, the event started up discussion on the need to vaccinate. A friend of mine posted a story about the rates of vaccination in the county and I learned that there is a religious exemption to the requirement for childhood vaccinations. This bit of religious privilege makes me angry. I think that if parents decide not to vaccinate their children for non-medical reasons, those children should be registered with the state, like sex offenders are, so we can avoid those children and excluded them from public activities if an outbreak flares up.