A Good Time At The Ohio Secular Summit 4.0


On February 10th I attended Secular Summit 4.0 at the Ohio State House in Columbus. It was hosted by CFI NE Ohio. It was the second lobby day I attended and this time I tried to as prepared as I could be to speak to my representatives. As luck would have it, I got to speak to my state Senator and he seemed positive toward the secular issues I presented to him. Seculars need to do more in person lobbying of our elected officials in addition to phone calls and written messages.

The Secular Summit is a chance for secular people around Ohio to get together for a morning meeting then in the afternoon we have appointments with our state representatives and senators.

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Anti-Discrimination Executive Order Won’t Include Religious Exemption

image of President Obama speaking

President Obama promised to issue an executive order that would prohibit Federal contractors from discriminating against LGBT people. It was announced on Friday that the order, to be signed on Monday, won’t include a broad religious exemption as some faith groups had requested. This is good news.

The call for a broad religious exemption in the coming order started after the Hobby Lobby court decision:

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Did NY same sex marriage proponents give away the farm with religious exemptions?

The good news is that the New York state legislature finally approved a law that will allow same sex marriage. The bad news is that in order for this great thing to happen, changes in the law will allow religious sects AND the non-church businesses they operate to discriminate against gays without any legal repercussions. In the zeal to get these new rights for the LGBT community, did proponents give away the farm?

From the NY Times:

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