Getting On The Duck Dynasty Bandwagon Says More About You

image of Phil Robertson

The media, both broadcast and social, was a buzz when Phil Robertson who stars on the ‘reality’ TV show Duck Dynasty said some nasty things about gays and African-Americans in a magazine interview. Needless to say my Facebook feed lit up with my conservative friends coming to Phil’s defense and standing with him. Not a peep was said about what he said they only complained about Robertson being suspended from the show. The lack of comments about what Robertson said says a lot about conservatives.

First off I want to head off the casual argument I’ve seen where people try to deny Robertson said anything bad or that he was misquoted.

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With Sanford Win, Family Values Crowd No Longer Morally Superior

image of Mark Sanford
Family Values Poster Boy: Mark Sanford

Serial adulterer, liar, and former Governor of South Carolina Mark Sanford won a seat in Congress on Tuesday. What gets me is the family values crowd who claim to be morally superior and who dare to demand we live our lives a certain way yet don’t hold their own members to the same standard. Mark Sanford thy name is hypocrisy.

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Today Is The National Day of Reason

graphic with words National Day of Reason
National Day of Reason: May 2nd 2013

Thursday May 2nd is the National Day of Reason in the United States. The day is a secular celebration for humanists, atheists, and other secularists and freethinkers in response to the National Day of Prayer, that is unfortunately a legal holiday in the United States. Our government shouldn’t be giving official sanction to a particular religious belief. It should spend its time trying to solve issues of concern to all Americans.

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Come on Portman! Do What’s Right Because It Is Right And Not For Selfish Reasons

quote image of Rob Portman's quote on gay marriage

The big news in my area is that Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) has changed his mind and now supports gay marriage. He said he changed because his son came out as gay. Some people I know are jumping for joy over the news but I’m not impressed. Why is it that these conservative types seem to only change their mind when it actually affects their family? Why can’t they do what’s right because it is right and not for selfish reasons.

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National Day of Reason 2012

image of National Day of Reason logo

Thursday May 3rd is the National Day of Reason in the United States. The day is a secular celebration for humanists, atheists, and other secularists and freethinkers in response to the National Day of Prayer, that is unfortunately a legal holiday in the United States. This country has many issues from high unemployment to religious conservatives attacks on women’s rights. The government shouldn’t be holding national days of prayer, we need reason to help solve human problems.

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